Incompatible Version - Valheim
If you receive the message Incompatible Version
when connecting to one of our servers, it can have the following reasons.
Valheim + active on the server
If the message Incompatible Version
appears when entering a server with active Valheim +, there are 2 reasons:
- You don’t have the mod installed on your computer.
- Your installed mod is outdated. Just like the game, we also automatically update the mod.
If you want to install or update the mod, you can download the mod HERE or HERE.
If you don’t want to use the mod, you can disable Valheim + under Add-Ons.
Client is not up to date
Occasionally, Steam may not have updated your game yet, for example, if Steam is overloaded.
If your game is not updated, you cannot connect to the server and will also receive Incompatible Version
You will then need to manually trigger the update in Steam.
Here’s how to do it:
- Right-click on Valheim
- Click on Properties
- Then click on Local Files
- And finally, click on Verify Integrity of Game Files
Steam should now update the game.
Server is not up to date
If the server is being played during an update, it will not be restarted by us.
If you then leave the server after an update and join later,
Steam will update the client and you will then receive the message Incompatible Version
In this case, simply restart the server and the update will be applied.