Language & Currency


TeamSpeak: Your game, your server

TeamSpeak Rent server
from 3.91
AUD /month
from 4.44
BGN /month
from 14.23
BRL /month
from 3.56
CAD /month
from 2.19
CHF /month
from 17.89
CNY /month
from 56.78
CZK /month
from 16.93
DKK /month
from 2.27
EUR /month
from 1.91
GBP /month
from 19.21
HKD /month
from 17.11
HRK /month
from 906.82
HUF /month
from 40,432.33
IDR /month
from 9.08
ILS /month
from 214.89
INR /month
from 331.19
ISK /month
from 367.47
JPY /month
from 3,593.11
KRW /month
from 49.39
MXN /month
from 10.99
MYR /month
from 26.38
NOK /month
from 4.31
NZD /month
from 141.58
PHP /month
from 9.47
PLN /month
from 11.30
RON /month
from 266.05
RUB /month
from 25.09
SEK /month
from 3.30
SGD /month
from 83.21
THB /month
from 90.66
TRY /month
from 2.47
USD /month
from 44.91
ZAR /month
from 7.16
date /month

Teamspeak Viewer

For security reasons, we do not add entries to the whitelist.
For this reason, it is possible that a TS Viewer may not work, as its requests are blocked.
We have developed our own viewer that works flawlessly and can also be customized with its own stylesheet.
You can find this viewer on in the navigation at the bottom left or directly at

A account is required to add the server.

This service is not limited to servers. Any Teamspeak server, whether TS2 or TS3, can be added here.