Language & Currency


TeamSpeak: Your game, your server

TeamSpeak Rent server
from 3.91
AUD /month
from 4.44
BGN /month
from 14.23
BRL /month
from 3.56
CAD /month
from 2.19
CHF /month
from 17.89
CNY /month
from 56.78
CZK /month
from 16.93
DKK /month
from 2.27
EUR /month
from 1.91
GBP /month
from 19.21
HKD /month
from 17.11
HRK /month
from 906.82
HUF /month
from 40,432.33
IDR /month
from 9.08
ILS /month
from 214.89
INR /month
from 331.19
ISK /month
from 367.47
JPY /month
from 3,593.11
KRW /month
from 49.39
MXN /month
from 10.99
MYR /month
from 26.38
NOK /month
from 4.31
NZD /month
from 141.58
PHP /month
from 9.47
PLN /month
from 11.30
RON /month
from 266.05
RUB /month
from 25.09
SEK /month
from 3.30
SGD /month
from 83.21
THB /month
from 90.66
TRY /month
from 2.47
USD /month
from 44.91
ZAR /month
from 7.16
date /month

Adding an Image to a Channel in Teamspeak

In TS3, it is possible to add an image to a channel.
This can be done using BBCode.

Simply insert the following code in the channel description:

Please note that you MUST always link to the image. will not work!