Installing Mods for Squad
Tip: We recommend using an FTP program such as Filezilla.
To upload your mods and maps, please follow these steps:
- Connect to the Upload FTP) using your FTP program.
You can find the login details in the FTP overview when you click on FTP. - Create the directory “Plugins” in the following directory:
- In the newly created Plugins directory, create the folder “Mods”.
Your directory structure should now look like this:/KonfigID/SquadGame/Plugins/Mods
- Now open the directory of your mods on your PC:
Note: Your mods are located on the same hard drive where you installed the game. - Upload the contents of this directory to the Mods folder on the FTP.
- Add your maps to the mapcycle:
- In Basic Mode, click on Mapcycle.
Enter the name of the map in the input field and click on +. - In Advanced Mode, click on MapRotation.cfg on the left.
Enter the name of the map on the right in the text editor.
There should only be one map name per line.
Then click on Save.
- In Basic Mode, click on Mapcycle.
- Restart your server.
Note: You can find the KonfigID of your server on our website under Gameserver.