Language & Currency


Interstellar Rift: Your game, your server

Interstellar Rift Rent server
from 10.32
AUD /month
from 11.72
BGN /month
from 37.55
BRL /month
from 9.40
CAD /month
from 5.77
CHF /month
from 47.21
CNY /month
from 149.83
CZK /month
from 44.69
DKK /month
from 5.99
EUR /month
from 5.04
GBP /month
from 50.70
HKD /month
from 45.14
HRK /month
from 2,392.89
HUF /month
from 106,691.48
IDR /month
from 23.97
ILS /month
from 567.05
INR /month
from 873.94
ISK /month
from 969.66
JPY /month
from 9,481.39
KRW /month
from 130.33
MXN /month
from 29.00
MYR /month
from 69.60
NOK /month
from 11.37
NZD /month
from 373.61
PHP /month
from 24.99
PLN /month
from 29.81
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 66.21
SEK /month
from 8.71
SGD /month
from 219.58
THB /month
from 239.23
TRY /month
from 6.52
USD /month
from 118.50
ZAR /month
from 18.88
date /month

Creating a Server Password in Interstellar Rift

In this article, we will describe how to create a password for your Interstellar Rift server.
You only need to have the game installed to do this.

Note: You need to open a file that is located in a hidden folder. Make sure to show hidden files and folders.

Generating a Password Hash

  1. Start the game.
  2. Click on “PLAY”.
  3. Click on “Host Game”.
  4. Enter the desired password under “Password”.
  5. Click on “Apply Changes”.
  6. Then click on “Host Game” at the bottom left.
  7. While the game is running, navigate to:
  8. Open the Server.json file.
  9. Copy your hashed password from "Password": "YourPassword",
  10. Save the copied password in a text file.
  11. You can now exit the game.

Entering the Password Hash

Open your server for editing.
Click on either the name of your server or the gray cogwheel under Gameserver.

Basic Mode

Click on the left side on Server Settings.
Then insert the password hash in the “Server Password” field.
Click on Save and restart your server.

Advanced Mode

Click on the left side on server.json.
Then insert your password hash on the right side in the text editor under "Password": "YourPassword",.
Click on Save and restart the server.