Language & Currency


Empyrion - Galactic Survival: Your game, your server

Empyrion - Galactic Survival Rent server
from 9.89
AUD /month
from 11.72
BGN /month
from 36.02
BRL /month
from 8.90
CAD /month
from 5.66
CHF /month
from 45.61
CNY /month
from 150.01
CZK /month
from 44.68
DKK /month
from 5.99
EUR /month
from 4.98
GBP /month
from 48.85
HKD /month
from 45.14
HRK /month
from 2,413.67
HUF /month
from 101,712.00
IDR /month
from 22.37
ILS /month
from 543.95
INR /month
from 882.33
ISK /month
from 958.94
JPY /month
from 9,041.91
KRW /month
from 127.67
MXN /month
from 27.84
MYR /month
from 69.79
NOK /month
from 10.99
NZD /month
from 362.32
PHP /month
from 24.95
PLN /month
from 29.81
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 67.35
SEK /month
from 8.42
SGD /month
from 211.08
THB /month
from 227.31
TRY /month
from 6.28
USD /month
from 115.34
ZAR /month
from 12.89
date /month

Change your scenario in Empyrion

In order to change the scenario for your server, it must be in Advanced Mode.
Click on dedicated.yaml on our page. In the text editor on the right you can now edit it.
Now scroll all the way down to:

        GameName: DediGame
        Mode: Survival
        Seed: 1011345
        CustomScenario: Default Multiplayer

Under CustomScenario: Default Multiplayer you can now change the scenario.
These scenarios are currently available:

  • TestBaseAttackCS
  • TestScenario
  • TestScenario2
  • Default Akua-Omicron
  • Default Base Attack
  • Default Creative
  • Default Multiplayer
  • Default Random
  • Invader vs Defender - Conflict of Cygnus
  • Shadows of Starlight
  • Tutorial

Replace Default Multiplayer with your desired scenario.
Please note that this is case sensitive!
Then click on Save and restart your server.