Language & Currency


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Your game, your server

RCON Commands CSGO

Rcon stands for Remote Control and is the direct way to control a server through the console.
Before you can send commands to a server, you first need to execute the following in the console:
rcon_password PASSWORD
The Rcon password is set in Basic mode in the Rcon settings or in Advanced mode it is located in the server.cfg.
Important: Commands to the server usually need to be prefixed with rcon, for example rcon changelevel de_inferno.
Otherwise, the client will try to execute the command locally, which will fail.

Here is a small list of the most common rcon commands:




changelevel Mapname

rcon changelevel de_dust

Changes to the specified map

mp_autoteambalance 0/1

rcon mp_autoteambalance 1

Switches players to the other team if there is a team imbalance
0 = off
1 = on

mp_forcechasecam 0/1/2

rcon mp_forcechasecam 2

0 = no function
1 = restrict camera to teammates
2 = player stays where they died

mp_freezetime *

rcon mp_freezetime 60

Sets the time (in seconds) that players cannot move at the start of the round.
0 turns off "Freeze-time".

mp_friendlyfire 0/1

rcon mp_friendlyfire 0

Enables or disables team damage.
0 = team damage off
1 = team damage on

mp_roundtime *

rcon mp_roundtime 2.50

Duration of a round in minutes.
In this example, 2:30 minutes

mp_timelimit *

rcon mp_timelimit 30

Duration of a map in minutes.
0 means unlimited duration

mp_tkpunish 0/1

rcon mp_tkpunish 1

1 = team kills are punished
0 = no punishment for team kills

sv_restartround *

rcon sv_restartround 30

Time in seconds after which the server restarts



Shows the remaining time of the current map

mp_autokick 0/1

rcon mp_autokick 1

Specifies if team killers and players who are AFK for a longer period of time are kicked.
0 = off
1 = on

mp_buytime *

rcon mp_buytime 0.50

Time in minutes for players to buy weapons and equipment after the round starts.
In this example, 30 seconds

mp_c4timer 15-90

rcon mp_c4timer 30

Timer of the bomb in seconds.
Minimum 15 seconds, maximum 90 seconds

mp_chasecam 0/1

rcon mp_chasecam 0

Restricts dead players to ghost mode, no free movement in the level.

mp_chattime *

rcon mp_chattime 10

Time in seconds during which chatmessages are visible

mp_fadetoblack 0/1

rcon mp_fadetoblack 1

Screen fades to black on death
0 = off
1 = on

mp_flashlight 0/1

rcon mp_flashlight 1

Allows player use of the flashlight
0 = off
1 = on

mp_footsteps 0/1

mp_footsteps 0

De-/Activates footsteps
0 = off
1 = on

mp_hostagepenalty *

rcon mp_hostagepenalty 5

Max number of hostages that can be killed before a kick.
0 = deactivates kick

mp_limitteams *

rcon mp_limitteams 2

Max amount of players more in a team before autobalance

mp_logmessages 0/1

rcon mp_logmessages 1

Sets if chatmessages are saved to the serverlog
0 = off
1 = on

mp_maxrounds *

rcon mp_maxrounds 30

Number of rounds before mapswitch
0 = no limit

mp_startmoney 0-16000

rcon mp_startmoney 800

defines startmoney on mapstart
Minimum is 0, Maximum 16000

mp_winlimit *

rcon mp_winlimit 15

Number of won rounds before mapchange

sv_cheats 0/1

rcon sv_cheats 0

activates cheats on the server, by default off
As most cheats are singleplayer only, there is no need to use this

sv_gravity -999 bis 999999

rcon sv_gravity 800

Sets the gravity on the server
Default 800

sv_rcon_minfailures *

rcon sv_rcon_minfailures 1

Number of false rcon requests before sv_rcon_minfailuretime that lead to a ban
Default: 5
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 20

sv_rcon_minfailuretime *

rcon sv_rcon_minfailuretime 15

Timesetting for sv_rcon_minfailures

sv_rcon_maxfailures *

rcon sv_rcon_maxfailures 20

Max number of invalid rcon inputs before ban.
Default: 10
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 20

sv_rcon_banpenalty *

rcon sv_rcon_banpenalty 30

duration of ban when autobanned
0 = Infinite