Language & Currency


Counter-Strike: Your game, your server

Counter-Strike Rent server
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from 30.00
date /month

Customize MotD in Counter Strike

Advanced Mode or motd.txt on FTP
Basic HTML knowledge

Inserting an image:

You can add an image to the welcome window using this function:

<img src="" border="0">

Regarding the size of the image, it depends on the resolution the player has set.
If you insert an image with a size of 800x600, for example, you will get ugly scroll bars and only a small part of the image will be displayed.

So, the size of the window changes according to the resolution.
The following table shows the approximate changes:

ResolutionWelcome Window Size
640 x 480450 x 210
800 x 600590 x 290
1024 x 768760 x 380
1600 x 12001190 x 590

We recommend using 590 x 290 since the resolution 800 x 600 is the most commonly used.

Inserting a sound:

You can insert a sound using the “embed” function.
This will play a sound file located on your webspace.
Uploading the sound file to the game server’s FTP is possible, but not recommended as the sound will not be played.

To have a sound in the welcome window, the code should look like this:

<embed src="" hidden="true" autostart="true">

The sound file can be in MP3 or WAV format and should not be too long.
There is nothing worse than having to listen to a sound for 15-45 seconds that some players may not want to hear.

Inserting a website:

In general, it is not recommended to display any website in the window.

Here are the reasons:

  1. Displaying a website with a lot of content can cause a player’s game to freeze.
  2. Most players don’t even see the welcome window for a second because they are not interested in who the admin of the server is. They quickly remove it by pressing the Enter key.

Reason 3 is because every welcome window says the same thing.
Play fair
Have fun
Don’t cheat

However, if you still want to display a website, you must use “IFrames”.


You can find more tutorials about HTML and its functions on