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ArmA 3: Your game, your server

ArmA 3 Rent server
from 9.94
AUD /month
from 11.72
BGN /month
from 37.32
BRL /month
from 8.83
CAD /month
from 5.63
CHF /month
from 44.99
CNY /month
from 151.51
CZK /month
from 44.69
DKK /month
from 5.99
EUR /month
from 5.05
GBP /month
from 47.78
HKD /month
from 45.14
HRK /month
from 2,468.18
HUF /month
from 100,086.31
IDR /month
from 22.27
ILS /month
from 531.27
INR /month
from 867.95
ISK /month
from 968.16
JPY /month
from 8,963.38
KRW /month
from 126.59
MXN /month
from 27.65
MYR /month
from 70.20
NOK /month
from 10.98
NZD /month
from 360.57
PHP /month
from 25.57
PLN /month
from 29.80
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 68.96
SEK /month
from 8.41
SGD /month
from 213.32
THB /month
from 217.82
TRY /month
from 6.14
USD /month
from 116.29
ZAR /month
from 6.90
date /month

Spearhead 1944 Missions - Arma 3

Spearhead 1944 comes with playable multiplayer missions.
Below you will find the names of the mission files to use in your config.

How to manually include these missions, we describe here: Upload Your Own Mission in Step 4.


SPE_M00_Operation_Cobra_Prologue.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [00] PrologueCooperative
SPE_M01_Liberation_of_Saint_Gilles.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [01] Liberation of Saint-GillesCooperative
SPE_M02_Liberation_of_Canisy.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [02] Liberation of CanisyCooperative
SPE_M03_Quibou_Dangy_March.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [03] Quibou Dangy MarchCooperative
SPE_M04_Defense_of_Pont_Brocard.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [04] Defense of Pont-BrocardCooperative
SPE_M05_Villebaudon_March.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [05] Villebaudon MarchCooperative
SPE_M07_Liberation_of_Saint_Denis_le_Gast.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [06] Liberation of Saint Denis-le-GastCooperative
SPE_M08_Defense_of_Saint_Denis_le_Gast.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [07] Defense of Saint Denis-le-GastCooperative
SPE_M09_Operation_Cobra_Epilogue.SPE_Normandy[SPE] [08] EpilogueCooperative
SPE_CO4_Der_Zahnarzt.SPE_Normandy[COOP 04] Der ZahnarztCooperative
CO_10_SPE_Escape_SPE_Normandy.SPE_Normandy[SPE] Escape [Normandy]Cooperative
CO_10_SPE_Combat_Patrol.SPE_Normandy[SPE] Combat Patrol [Normandy]Combat Patrol
WL_16_SPE_Warlords_SPE_Normandy.SPE_Normandy[SPE] Warlords [MEDIUM] [Normandy]Warlords
ZGM_18_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_US_Army_SPE_Normandy.SPE_Normandy[SPE] Zeus GameMaster US Army [Normandy]Zeus
ZGM_18_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_GER_Wehrmacht_SPE_Normandy.SPE_Normandy[SPE] Zeus GameMaster GER Wehrmacht [Normandy]Zeus
ZGM_50_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_SPE_Normandy.SPE_Normandy[SPE] Zeus GameMaster [Normandy]Zeus