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ARK: Survival Evolved: Your game, your server

ARK: Survival Evolved Rent server
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CAD /month
from 5.63
CHF /month
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SGD /month
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THB /month
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TRY /month
from 6.14
USD /month
from 116.29
ZAR /month
from 6.90
date /month

Kick or Ban Players in ARK: Survival Evolved

Log in as admin in ARK game. How do I become an admin?

Kicking through console commands:

admincheat ListPlayersDisplays all players along with their SteamID.
admincheat KickPlayer STEAMIDKicks the player with the corresponding SteamID.
admincheat BanPlayer STEAMIDBans the player with the corresponding SteamID.
admincheat UnBanPlayer STEAMIDUnbans the player with the matching SteamID.

The same can also be done through the Admin Menu.
Open the console with TAB key, then type ShowMyAdminManager and press ENTER.

Now you will see all the players logged into the server in the middle of the screen.
Click on the player in question and select Kick or Ban accordingly.