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ARK: Survival Evolved: Your game, your server

ARK: Survival Evolved Rent server
from 9.94
AUD /month
from 11.72
BGN /month
from 37.32
BRL /month
from 8.83
CAD /month
from 5.63
CHF /month
from 44.99
CNY /month
from 151.51
CZK /month
from 44.69
DKK /month
from 5.99
EUR /month
from 5.05
GBP /month
from 47.78
HKD /month
from 45.14
HRK /month
from 2,468.18
HUF /month
from 100,086.31
IDR /month
from 22.27
ILS /month
from 531.27
INR /month
from 867.95
ISK /month
from 968.16
JPY /month
from 8,963.38
KRW /month
from 126.59
MXN /month
from 27.65
MYR /month
from 70.20
NOK /month
from 10.98
NZD /month
from 360.57
PHP /month
from 25.57
PLN /month
from 29.80
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 68.96
SEK /month
from 8.41
SGD /month
from 213.32
THB /month
from 217.82
TRY /month
from 6.14
USD /month
from 116.29
ZAR /month
from 6.90
date /month

Set the Message of the Day in ARK: Survival Evolved

The Message of the Day is displayed when entering the server.
This message can be set in the web interface.

Simple Message

It can be customized through the GameUserSetting.ini file.
Simply locate the line Message= and set the Message of the Day there.
For example: Message=Welcome to my own ARK Gameserver with Blackjack and Hookers!

Multi-line Message

To start a new line, insert \n at the desired position.
For example: Message=Welcome to my own ARK Gameserver\nWith Blackjack and Hookers!

Colored Message

To set the desired color BEFORE the actual text, use the <RichColor Color="1,0,0,1"> tag and close it with </>.
For example: Message=Welcome to my own ARK Gameserver with Blackjack and Hookers!</>
or also possible:
Message=Welcome to my own ARK Gameserver</>with Blackjack and Hookers!</>
After making the changes, save and restart the server.

Color Codes

  • <RichColor Color="1, 0, 0, 1">Red</> red text
  • <RichColor Color="0, 1, 0, 1">Green</> green text
  • <RichColor Color="1, 0.65, 0, 1">Orange</> orange text
  • <RichColor Color="0, 0, 0, 1">Black</> black text
  • <RichColor Color="1, 1, 0, 1">Yellow</> yellow text
  • <RichColor Color="1, 0, 1, 1">Fuchsia</> fuchsia text