Language & Currency


American Truck Simulator: Your game, your server

American Truck Simulator Rent server
from 4.64
AUD /month
from 5.26
BGN /month
from 16.86
BRL /month
from 4.22
CAD /month
from 2.59
CHF /month
from 21.20
CNY /month
from 67.29
CZK /month
from 20.07
DKK /month
from 2.69
EUR /month
from 2.26
GBP /month
from 22.77
HKD /month
from 20.27
HRK /month
from 1,074.60
HUF /month
from 47,913.20
IDR /month
from 10.77
ILS /month
from 254.65
INR /month
from 392.47
ISK /month
from 435.46
JPY /month
from 4,257.92
KRW /month
from 58.53
MXN /month
from 13.02
MYR /month
from 31.26
NOK /month
from 5.11
NZD /month
from 167.78
PHP /month
from 11.22
PLN /month
from 13.39
RON /month
from 315.27
RUB /month
from 29.73
SEK /month
from 3.91
SGD /month
from 98.61
THB /month
from 107.43
TRY /month
from 2.93
USD /month
from 53.22
ZAR /month
from 8.48
date /month

How to find servers with more than 8 players in American Truck Simulator

To see servers with more than 8 slots in the server list, you need to adjust the config.cfg file.
You can find it here:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\American Truck Simulator

Find the following line:

uset g_max_convoy_size "8"

Change it to:

uset g_max_convoy_size "128"

Save your changes.
From now on, servers with more than 8 players will also be displayed.