10 Slots
BGN 11.72
BRL 36.02
CAD 8.90
CHF 5.66
CNY 45.61
CZK 150.01
DKK 44.68
EUR 5.99
GBP 4.98
HKD 48.85
HRK 45.14
HUF 2,413.67
IDR 101,712.00
ILS 22.37
INR 543.95
ISK 882.33
JPY 958.94
KRW 9,041.91
MXN 127.67
MYR 27.84
NOK 69.79
NZD 10.99
PHP 362.32
PLN 24.95
RON 29.81
RUB 702.03
SEK 67.35
SGD 8.42
THB 211.08
TRY 227.31
USD 6.28
ZAR 115.34
date 12.89
/ month
(taxes included)
Server location:
16 Slots
BGN 31.66 15.82
BRL 97.35 48.64
CAD 24.05 12.02
CHF 15.29 7.64
CNY 123.27 61.60
CZK 405.45 202.60
DKK 120.76 60.34
EUR 16.19 8.09
GBP 13.47 6.73
HKD 132.04 65.98
HRK 122.02 60.97
HUF 6,523.76 3,259.87
IDR 274,911.06 137,370.63
ILS 60.46 30.21
INR 1,470.21 734.65
ISK 2,384.79 1,191.66
JPY 2,591.86 1,295.13
KRW 24,438.81 12,211.86
MXN 345.08 172.44
MYR 75.23 37.59
NOK 188.64 94.26
NZD 29.71 14.85
PHP 979.28 489.34
PLN 67.44 33.70
RON 80.58 40.26
RUB 1,897.48 948.16
SEK 182.05 90.97
SGD 22.75 11.37
THB 570.50 285.08
TRY 614.39 307.00
USD 16.96 8.48
ZAR 311.75 155.78
date 34.84 17.41
/ month
(taxes included)
Server location:
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In 17 locations worldwide, we offer unique accessibility with the lowest pings. Further locations are constantly being developed and guarantee breathtaking gaming fun with the lowest latency in every game.

Frequently asked questions
Buying a Left 4 Dead 2 server often comes at a high cost. In comparison, if you rent a **Left 4 Dead 2 server, you are not burdened by a one-time high payment. You usually pay here a low price once a month.
With us, you also have the option of adjusting the tariff for your server, the mods associated with it and accordingly the **price at any time. the price at any time. So you can try out different servers and modpacks and optionally remove them remove them again without spending a large sum of money.
With 4Netplayers, this is completely up to you. Regardless of whether you choose the Starter, Professional or Premium offer, you can determine the term of your contract yourself. Starting at one month up to a term of 12 months, it’s up to you how long you want it to last. it is up to you how long you want to rent a server with us as your host. The longer the term of your contract is, the cheaper it will be, by the way, and so you will save 10% of the price for a 12-month contract compared to one month you save 10 % of the price.
Absolutely. With 4Netplayers you don’t have to worry about security and protection. For one thing, you have free to choose the duration of your contract and are not obliged to make endless monthly payments. On the other hand your server itself is safe, because we protect it with DDoS from bad traffic.
After logging in, click on “Gameserver” on the left and then on “Create configuration”. Select your desired mods, enter a password - and your server is ready to go!
Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots
Left 4 Dead 2 - Intense zombie action awaits you
Prepare yourself for an action-packed co-op experience that will make your heart skip a beat: Left 4 Dead 2 is an unforgettable survival horror game that catapults you and your friends into the middle of a zombie apocalypse. The sequel to the legendary Left 4 Dead, the game features stunning graphics, improved AI and even more challenging levels that will test your courage and skills. Play as a group of four survivors who must fight their way through five exciting campaigns to escape the terrifying hordes of undead and make their way to salvation.
Use your skills and work in a team
In Left 4 Dead 2 steht Teamarbeit an erster Stelle, denn nur gemeinsam könnt Ihr die Zombie-Horden bezwingen. Wähle aus einer Vielzahl von Waffen, darunter Schusswaffen, Nahkampfwaffen und improvisierte Schlaginstrumente, um Deine Gegner zu besiegen. Nutze Deine Umgebung klug, um den Zombies immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Mit einer verbesserten KI und neuen Spezial-Infizierten wie dem Charger, Spitter und Jockey wird Deine Gruppe stets auf Trab gehalten. Dank eines dynamischen Systems zur Anpassung von Schwierigkeit und Spannung, dem sogenannten “AI Director”, wird jedes Spiel einzigartig und garantiert stundenlangen Spielspaß.
Fight the undead in varied scenarios
Immerse yourself in the fascinating and dark world of Left 4 Dead 2, which takes you to a wide variety of locations - from the swampy bayous of Louisiana to abandoned amusement parks. These atmospheric environments not only offer stunning visuals, but also varied challenges that test your strategic skills and reaction time. Whether you’re escaping through narrow alleys or fighting off the tide of undead on rickety boats, each campaign in Left 4 Dead 2 brings unique challenges and unforgettable moments.
Experience thrilling multiplayer action and endless replayability on your Left 4 Dead 2 game server.
In addition to the cooperative campaigns, Left 4 Dead 2 also offers exciting multiplayer modes that challenge you and your friends again and again. In Versus mode, you can even take on the role of the infected and compete against other players. Try out Scavenge mode, where survivors and infected fight for valuable resources, or test your skills in Survival mode, where you have to hold out against endless waves of zombies for as long as possible. Thanks to the Steam Workshop integration, you can also try out numerous mods and custom content to further personalise your gaming experience and keep experiencing Left 4 Dead 2 in new and exciting ways.
Left 4 Dead 2 - An indispensable co-op experience for horror and action fans
Left 4 Dead 2 offers an immersive, adrenaline-fuelled gaming experience that will challenge you and your friends time and time again. With its gripping mix of intense action, tactical teamwork and atmospheric environments, the game has won a firm place in the hearts of horror and action fans. The various game modes and the almost unlimited replayability through the integration of mods and custom content make Left 4 Dead 2 an indispensable title in any game collection. Join the survivors and throw yourself into the fight against the zombie hordes together - unforgettable moments and hours of fun await you in Left 4 Dead 2.