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Minecraft Pale Garden & Knarz – New Biome & Dangerous Mob in Update 1.21

Minecraft Pale Garden & Knarz – New Biome & Dangerous Mob in Update 1.21

With the Minecraft Update 1.21.4, the Pale Garden was added as a new biome – a gloomy landscape designed to instill fear and terror in players. The “pale garden” invites you with a mystical and dark atmosphere that perfectly suits the game, providing you with not just new blocks but also challenges. Today, let’s take a closer look at this new biome! We’ll show you what blocks to expect and what monsters await you in the pale garden. Be particularly wary of the Knarz, as it functions very differently from other mobs.

How to Find the Minecraft Pale Garden

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But first, you need to find the new biome! This is no easy task, as it is tied to an already very rare biome and has only about a 0.07% chance of appearing at all.

A pale garden only appears in a dark forest – and only if it is above a certain height. They can also border other forest biomes, but they are often found only in the middle of dark forests and at higher elevations. Without tools like Chunkbase, you’ll need to search for a while to find a pale garden.

This sub-biome is characterized by its namesake pale trees, which stand out sharply from the dark oaks. The sky also turns gray and loses its color. Music stops playing, and no neutral or passive animals like sheep or cows spawn.

All New Blocks in Minecraft’s Pale Garden

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A visit to the biome is worthwhile solely because of the multitude of new blocks! This allows you to embark on many new building projects and add unique aspects to them.

  • Grass Blocks: In the pale garden, they receive a gray tint, but unfortunately, you can’t transfer it to other parts of your world.
  • Pale Moss Block: A variation of the regular moss block, which you can also spread using bone meal. It can be mined by hand and retains its gray color.
  • Pale Moss Carpet: The equivalent of green moss carpets. It also forms when pale moss grows and can be found abundantly in the biome. You can craft carpets with two pale moss blocks. When the carpet is placed next to a block, decorative vines spread.
  • Hanging Pale Moss: A type of vine hanging from the trees in the pale garden. It is particularly responsible for the biome’s sounds and contributes to the eerie ambiance. You need shears to harvest the hanging moss.
  • Eye Blossom: A strange gray flower found only in this biome. It is closed during the day and only opens at night, revealing its orange bloom! It can be harvested in both stages but always closes in daylight. This also applies to flower pots.
  • Pale Oak: This oak is a variant of the dark oak – but with a new type of wood! It is almost white and a great addition to Minecraft’s palette. As usual, you can craft all kinds of wood items from it. You need four saplings to grow a pale oak. Like large spruces, the ground may be replaced with pale moss.
  • Resin Lump: You’ll find these residues on some tree trunks in the pale garden. They form when you hit a Knarz and it points towards a tree. You can either craft wood blocks from them or process the lumps in a furnace into resin bricks. These orange blocks are great for building and add a lot of color to your ideas!

How to Defeat the Minecraft Knarz – Guide & Tips

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Besides the many new blocks, it is likely the Knarz that draws you to search for the pale garden. This new monster is unlike anything you’ve seen before! Its wooden appearance and slender stature perfectly match the biome and help it blend in.

The Knarz exhibits some interesting characteristics you should know beforehand:

  • It spawns only at night.
  • It takes no damage when you attack it.
  • Its appearance is tied to a “Knarzheart.” Its range is 32 blocks around.
  • It only moves when you’re not looking at it. So it’s the exact opposite of an Enderman.
  • It doesn’t attack other monsters or animals, only players.
  • When you attack the Knarz, it leaves particles that create resin lumps on trees.
  • It doesn’t drop loot and can’t be “traditionally” killed.

But how do you defeat the Knarz? Well, its particles and the resin give you the first clues to the location of the Knarzheart. If you find and destroy this, the Knarz disappears. However, there can be dozens of these hearts in a biome, so there are also many Knarzes.

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Destroying the heart can be challenging because the Knarz attacks you when you’re not looking at it. Additionally, there are all the other monsters to watch out for in the pale garden! The Knarz itself doesn’t deal much damage, especially if you have diamond or netherite armor.

Knarzheart in Minecraft: How to Summon a Knarz

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You can either harvest Knarzhearts with “Silk Touch” or craft them yourself using pale oak logs and a resin block. You can summon your own Knarzes, which can be quite fun!

To do this, place a pale oak log above and below the Knarzheart. The mechanics of the Knarz are exactly the same as in the pale garden. It will still attack you – but also all other players on a server. The Knarz is also a good distraction for fighting the Warden (Defeat the Minecraft Warden – How to Beat the Strongest Enemy!) . However, the summoning only works in the overworld, not in the Nether or End.

Another useful function besides defense is resin production. This is probably why summoning a Knarz is interesting to you, as the particles continuously create new resin lumps, which you can manually harvest. So if you want to build a lot with resin, you should spawn a few Knarzes!

Conclusion: Is the Pale Garden Worth It in Minecraft?

The pale garden is not only a great resource for new blocks and vegetation but also the home of a mystical monster! The Knarz is unique, and its mechanics are not immediately apparent. A battle, therefore, presents a very different approach. Want to discover the Pale Garden for yourself? Rent your own Minecraft server now and embark on a search for a pale garden and a Knarz with your friends. Surviving in this new biome is not easy!

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