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Discover Frog Variants and Automatic Frog Light Farm in Minecraft

Discover Frog Variants and Automatic Frog Light Farm in Minecraft

Minecraft is a game with a highly diverse fauna. In several articles, we’ve covered many different animals, but we’ve yet to focus on frogs. These amusing creatures are incredibly practical! The mobs chosen by the community for the game are a blend of real frogs and a touch of Minecraft fantasy. They create a wonderful bridge for players who want to explore wildlife and collect various items. Particularly, the colorful frog lights are indispensable for creative minds! Today, we’re giving you all the essential information about frogs in Minecraft and showing you how to set up a simple and automatic frog light farm!

Exploring Frog Habitats in Minecraft

Finding frogs in Minecraft

Frogs have an interesting history in Minecraft. They were first introduced at Minecon Live 2019 but lost the vote to the mountain biome. Two years later, the “Wild Update” was announced, where the swamp, the runner-up biome, was updated. Frogs were an essential part of this update.

Since version 1.19, you can find frogs in swamps and mangrove swamps. While you can find brown frogs in the regular swamp, you’ll encounter the white variant in the mangrove swamp. The animals hop around happily and are quite hard to miss.

Understanding Frog Breeding and Colors

Frog breeding in Minecraft

We’ve already covered two of the three different color variations, but one is still missing. There is also a blue frog, which does not spawn naturally. However, you can obtain it—and the other two forms—through breeding. This process is somewhat different from breeding other animals.

To breed frogs, you need slime balls, which can be obtained from green slimes in the swamp. Feed the slimes to the frogs, and soon offspring will appear. One of the frogs will find a nearby water source and lay eggs there. Wait for the eggs to hatch into a tadpole.

Depending on the area in which the tadpole grows into a frog, its color will change! You can carry the tadpoles in a bucket to achieve your desired coloration.

  • Temperate Frog: Pleasant biomes (forests and meadows)

  • Cold Frog: Icy biomes (mountains, snow, and the End)

  • Warm Frog: Hot biomes (deserts, jungles, and Nether)

Once you have all three variations on leads, you can earn an achievement called “When the Frogs Come Home,” a great milestone for your Minecraft world.

Frogs vs. Fireflies: An Update Conflict

Before the update was introduced, frogs mistakenly ate fireflies. However, these are toxic to real frogs and were subsequently removed from the game. Similarly, parrots were initially bred using cookies—but chocolate is also toxic to them. Frogs are another animal where Mojang took inspiration from real-life models. Interestingly, fireflies are being added back in the upcoming Spring Update 2025 in the form of firefly bushes.

The Art of Collecting Frog Lights

Frog lights in Minecraft

But you might be wondering why you need all three colors. Well, frogs are indispensable for building projects and a source of beautiful lights in Minecraft! You can get three different color variations, expanding your materials repertoire!

When a frog eats a magma cube, it can turn it into a frog light. These blocks are similar to sea lanterns and provide a great light source for your constructions. This only works with small magma cubes and can be a bit tricky. After all, these monsters are only found in the Nether. Fortunately, this can be circumvented with a portal and some leads! Magma cubes also don’t attack your frogs, making a farm relatively simple.

Frog light colors and their corresponding frogs:

  • Temperate Frog: Ochre

  • Cold Frog: Verdant

  • Warm Frog: Pearlescent

The frog lights are simply spat out and can be collected by you or a hopper. You can place and break them entirely without tools, an advantage over other light sources like glowstone. Following the previous achievement, you can unlock “With United Forces!” with three different frog lights.

Guide to Building an Automatic Frog Light Farm

Automatic frog light farm in Minecraft

Since frog lights are such a great light source, you’ll certainly want to have and collect some. It’s worth building an automatic farm for this! You’ll need your desired frogs and a good source of magma cubes. In the Nether, these spawn exclusively in basalt deltas, but in some Bastion remnants, you’ll also find magma cube spawners, which are naturally perfect for such a farm.

Materials Needed for the Farm

  • Several stacks of build blocks

  • Three slabs

  • Powder snow in a bucket

  • 9 hoppers + 9 carpets

  • A double chest + glass block

  • Ladders and trapdoor

Step-by-Step Instructions for Construction

  1. First, find a Bastion remnant that has a spawner for magma cubes. It’s best to switch to “Peaceful” mode for constructing the farm so piglins won’t bother you. Then measure out a box around the spawner. The dimensions are two blocks above and five below the spawner. The radius is five blocks, making the farm 8x11x11 blocks in size.

  2. On one side, build a small chamber where you can AFK and attract the magma cubes. Use slabs to have a small lookout into the farm. In front of it, dig a 3x3 field and make it four blocks deep. The cubes will fall in here and be eaten by the frogs. In the hole, place your hoppers and carpets above them. All hoppers should point into a chest that you can open from your small chamber. This works best with a glass block above it.

  3. In the center and one block above the ground, you need to place a block of powder snow. This will break the magma cubes into their smallest form so the frogs can eat them.

  4. Bring the frogs in through a portal in your farm. It’s best to build this temporarily right in the farm so the frogs can get into the 3x3 hole. Once you have enough frogs, just go into your small chamber and turn the monsters back on. Magma cubes will spawn, attempt to jump towards you, but fall into the hole and be turned into frog lights by the frogs!


Frogs are an exciting creature in Minecraft and, with the help of magma cubes, drop frog lights. These light sources are among the most beautiful blocks to bring your building projects to life and illuminate them perfectly! Rent your own Minecraft server and embark on a quest with your friends to discover the different frog colors. Then, you can work together on an automatic frog light farm to always have a clear view!

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