Endermen are truly fascinating mobs in Minecraft! They can chew through blocks and teleport. They are also significantly taller than most mobs, even towering over the player. Their strength should not be underestimated either. However, if you defeat them, they have a chance to drop a strange Ender Pearl. This item has many special properties and is even necessary to reach the end of the game. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at it today and show you how to use it and how to build an Enderman farm. This way, you’ll never run out of pearls!
Ender Pearls in Minecraft: Functions and Benefits
Similar to the Endermen themselves, Ender Pearls also have the ability to teleport. As a player, you must throw one of these pearls and you will be teleported to the impact location of the pearl. This has many useful applications and can be very helpful when exploring your world or working on building projects. However, be cautious, as you will take 2.5 hearts of damage upon landing! This can be reduced with the enchantments “Feather Falling” and “Protection.” Ender Pearls are thus a great piece of equipment and should be present in your hotbar.
A small but often forgotten property is a side effect of teleportation. With only a 5% chance, an Endermite can appear. This monster can only be obtained this way and will be important for the later construction of our Ender Pearl farm!
Crafting and Using Ender Eyes: Step by Step
You can’t do much more with Ender Pearls alone than teleport. For further functions, you need to craft an Ender Eye. You will need the pearl and blaze powder for that. An automatic Blaze farm (Build an Automatic Blaze Farm: Infinite Blaze Rods and Experience Points) is therefore a good investment!
The Ender Eye opens many doors for you and is necessary to find a stronghold, defeat the Ender Dragon, and complete the game.
Finding a Stronghold: How to Use Ender Eyes

Strongholds are the places where you can find an End Portal. They are always at fixed coordinates in the world, but can also be located by throwing Ender Eyes. Throw the eye and see in which direction it flies. It always flies about 12 blocks and then falls down again. Sometimes the eye breaks, so it’s best to have several with you. Repeat this step until it eventually reverses or flies toward the ground instead of up into the air. The eye always flies in the direction of the nearest stronghold. Once you’re sure you’ve arrived, you only need to search for it underground.
You should also save 12 Ender Eyes for the found End Portal. The chances that all 12 sockets are not filled are low, but better safe than sorry! Sometimes you might even be extremely lucky and all the eyes are activated, but that is really rare. Place the eyes in the empty sockets and the End Portal should appear.
Ender Chest: Magical Backpack in Minecraft

Even if you’ve already been to the End, Ender Eyes are still a useful item. For one, you can create End Crystals to resummon the dragon, but perhaps more importantly, the Ender Chests.
With 8 Obsidian and an Ender Eye, you can create an overarching inventory with an Ender Chest! It’s just a single chest, but you can access the contents anytime and anywhere. This is worthwhile if you’re in multiple locations or don’t want to lose valuable items while on the go. It works like a sort of magical backpack! However, remember that you can only retrieve it with “Silk Touch.”
Minecraft Ender Pearl Farm: Guide to Efficient Farming
We’ve previously created a large building guide for an Enderman Farm (Building an Enderman Farm in Minecraft: Collect Infinite Ender Pearls and XP Quickly) that you can read and recreate. It works extremely well but is quite complex.
Therefore, today we present another design that allows you to collect Ender Pearls efficiently and also earn some XP. It’s not quite as fast, but it is simpler to build. Unlike the first farm, this time we use the small Endermite to our advantage! It has the special property that Endermen move toward it. We then set a trap for them and collect the Endermen in a basin below.
Materials for the Ender Pearl Farm: What You Need
- 4 Ladders
- 8 Trapdoors
- Minecart + Rail
- Ender Pearls (for Endermite)
- Name Tag (labeled in an Anvil)
- Building Blocks
- 1 Glass
- 9 Hoppers + Double Chest
- Sword with: Looting, Sweeping Edge, Sharpness, Unbreaking
Building Instructions: Ender Pearl Farm Step by Step
- We build the farm in the End, as there are more than enough Endermen to defeat. Find a good spot on the large platform with the obsidian pillars and dig a 3x3 and 4-block deep hole there. Dig a small cavity beside it for the chest and a ladder leading up.

- Cover the 3x3 floor with hoppers that lead into a chest.

- Around the edge at the top, place 2 trapdoors on each side. This makes the Endermen think they can walk over the hole. In the end, they fall down.

- Now we need to catch an Endermite. Build a box 2 blocks above the hole with a 3x4 dimension and 2-block high walls. Leave the middle open.

- Place a rail with a minecart on the outer block of the box. The open field is now good for spawning the Endermite. You have a 5% chance that one will appear when teleporting with an Ender Pearl. This will take several attempts, but eventually one should appear. Quickly rename it with a name tag and push the minecart into the Endermite.

Remove the box again, except for the block under the minecart with the Endermite. Place one glass block above it so no Endermen spawn. You should already notice the Endermen falling into the hole.
Go down into your small antechamber and defeat the Endermen with an enchanted sword. With Looting, you should get several Ender Pearls within a few minutes! Also, use Sweeping Edge to hit multiple at once.

Conclusion: Farming Ender Pearls Made Easy
Ender Pearls are a great item that allows you to teleport through the world! Moreover, they are essential for entering the End and defeating the Ender Dragon there. An Ender Chest should not be underestimated either, as it is extremely important for protecting your best items. Move through your world at lightning speed with unlimited Ender Pearls on your own server. Rent your Minecraft server and travel like never before!
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