Language & Currency


V-Rising: Your game, your server

V-Rising Rent server
from 10.32
AUD /month
from 11.72
BGN /month
from 37.55
BRL /month
from 9.40
CAD /month
from 5.77
CHF /month
from 47.21
CNY /month
from 149.83
CZK /month
from 44.69
DKK /month
from 5.99
EUR /month
from 5.04
GBP /month
from 50.70
HKD /month
from 45.14
HRK /month
from 2,392.89
HUF /month
from 106,691.48
IDR /month
from 23.97
ILS /month
from 567.05
INR /month
from 873.94
ISK /month
from 969.66
JPY /month
from 9,481.39
KRW /month
from 130.33
MXN /month
from 29.00
MYR /month
from 69.60
NOK /month
from 11.37
NZD /month
from 373.61
PHP /month
from 24.99
PLN /month
from 29.81
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 66.21
SEK /month
from 8.71
SGD /month
from 219.58
THB /month
from 239.23
TRY /month
from 6.52
USD /month
from 118.50
ZAR /month
from 18.88
date /month

Changing Game Settings for V Rising

The game comes with predefined presets for its settings.
However, you can also use your own presets.
We’ll explain both options.

Tip: Please check your settings for correct syntax, or the server may not start.
You can validate the syntax of configuration files here:

Selecting a Preset

In Basic Mode, you can easily select a preset under Server Settings -> Preset.
By default, StandardPvP is selected.
Tip: If you choose Custom, you can adjust the game settings in Advanced Mode in the ServerGameSettings.json file.

In Advanced Mode, you enter the desired preset in the ServerHostSettings.json file under "GameSettingsPreset": "{Preset}",.
Replace {Preset} with the desired preset, for example, "GameSettingsPreset": "DuoPvP",.
For custom settings, the line should look like this: "GameSettingsPreset":"".
Note the capitalization!
The available options for {Preset} are:


Using Custom Settings

In general, if a setting is determined by a preset, it cannot be changed via the ServerGameSettings.json file.
So, if you want to change a setting from a preset, you would have to choose Custom as the preset.
Then, in the ServerGameSettings.json file, you can make any desired changes to the settings.

Note: Each setting has a maximum allowed value.
If this value is exceeded, the server will use the maximum allowed value.