Language & Currency


The Front: Your game, your server

The Front Rent server
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from 5.99
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from 5.01
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from 50.75
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from 45.14
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from 2,400.67
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from 101,948.60
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from 24.58
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TRY /month
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USD /month
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from 60.81
date /month

Admincommands for The Front

In order to use these commands, you must first register as an admin on your server.
How to do that is described here: How to become Admin The Front.

In order to be able to call the console ingame, you have to load the English keyboard scheme at the moment.
Once this has been loaded and is active, you can then call up the console with [~], to the left of [1].


SetQueueThreshold [amount]Sets the player limit for the server
SetMaxQueueSize [amount]Sets the player limit for the server
SetCanChat 1/0Enables/disables ingame chat
SetSaveGameInterval [seconds]Sets the save interval in seconds
AddGM [Account ID] [GM level]Adds an admin via SteamID64, multiple admins are added separated by ;
RemoveGM [AccountID]Removes an admin via the SteamID64
ToggleGMTitleShow 1/0Enables/Disables the admin icon for players
CloseServerShuts down the server. Please do not use it and instead stop the server via our page
SaveWorldSaves the game
SetTime [time value]Sets the time of day
GotoPlayerByAccount [playerID]Teleports you to the specified player
RelocatePlayerToGM [playerID]Teleports the specified player to you
DestroyPlayerByGUID [playerID]Kills the specified player
GMClearInventory [playerID]Clears the inventory of the specified player
KickPlayerOff [playerID]Kicks the specified player without notification
BanPlayer [playerID] loginBans the specified player from the server
PermitPlayer [playerID] loginUnbans the specified player
BanPlayer [playerID] chatMutes the chat of the specified player
PermitPlayer [playerID] chatAllows the specified player to chat


SetPlayerHotDefAddRate [multiplier]Increases the heat resistance of the player
SetPlayerIceDefAddRate [multiplier]Increases the cold resistance of the player
SetPlayerAddExpRate [multiplier]Increases the experience gained by all players
SetPlayerKillAddExpRate [multiplier]Increases the experience gained by all players from NPC kills
SetPlayerFarmAddExpRate [multiplier]Increases the experience gained by all players for gathering resources
SetPlayerCraftAddExpRate [multiplier]Increases the experience gained by all players for crafting
SetMoveSpeedRate [multiplier]Increases the movement speed
SetJumpHeightRate [multiplier]Allows higher jumping
SetPlayerLandedDamageRate [multiplier]Increases fall damage
SetPlayerMaxHealthRate [multiplier]Sets the maximum health
SetLifeRecoverRate [multiplier]Increases life recovery
SetPlayerMaxStaminaRate [multiplier]Sets the maximum stamina
SetStaminaRecoverRate [multiplier]Increases the stamina generation
SetStaminaConsumeRatio [multiplier]Sets the stamina consumption
SetPlayerMaxHungerRate [multiplier]Sets the maximum fullness
GMSetHungerDecRate [multiplier]Sets how fast the fullness decreases
GMSetBodyHungerAddRate [multiplier]Sets how full food makes you
SetBodyWaterMaximumRate [multiplier]Sets the maximum hydration
GMSetWaterDecRate [multiplier]Sets how much fluid is consumed
GMSetBodyWaterAddRate [multiplier]Sets how much hydration drinks restore
SetBreathMaximumRate [multiplier]Sets the maximum oxygen rate
SetBreathRecoverRate [multiplier]Sets how much oxygen is recovered
SetPlayerBreathCostRate [multiplier]Controls the oxygen demand
GMSetPlayerHealthRate [multiplier]Controls how much health is recovered from medication and co.
GMSetFoodDragDurationRate [multiplier]Sets the duration of food and med effects
SetVehiclePlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]Controls the damage vehicles cause to players
SetVehicleConstructDamageRatio [multiplier]Controls the damage vehicles cause to buildings
GMSetVehicleDamageRate [multiplier]Controls the amount of resources collected from vehicles
SetMeleeNpcDamageRatio [multiplier]Sets the melee damage of players to NPCs
SetRangedNpcDamageRatio [multiplier]Sets the ranged damage of players to NPCs
SetMeleePlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]Sets the melee damage from players to players
SetRangedPlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]Sets the ranged damage from players to players
SetMeleeConstructDamageRatio [multiplier]Sets the melee damage of players to buildings
SetRangedConstructDamageRatio [multiplier]Sets the ranged damage of players to buildings
GMSetToolDamageRate [multiplier]Sets the damage of tools to resources
GMSetDurabilityCostRate [multiplier]Sets how much durability tools, weapons and armour lose when used


SetIsCanSelfDamage 0/1Disables/enables whether players can damage themselves
SetIsCanFriendDamage 0/1Disables/enables Friendly Fire
MailAttchEnable 0/1Disables/enables whether attachments can be received
GMSetOverlapRatio [multiplier]Stack limit for items
GMSetDeathDropMode [parameter]What is dropped on death. 0=Nothing , 1=All , 2=Only inventory
SetConstructDisableRed 1/0Disables/enables decay of buildings
GMSetCanDropItem 0/1Allows NPC/buildings to drop items
GMSetCanDiscardItem 0/1Allows items to be discarded
SetPlayerHealthDyingState 0/1Determines if the player dies immediately
GMSetDiscardBoxLifeSpan [seconds]Discarded items despawn after this time
GMSetDeathInventoryLifeSpan [seconds]Items dropped on death despawn after this time
SetGMRebirthBaseCD [seconds]respawn cool down after death [seconds]
SetGMRebirthExtraCD [seconds]Time added to respawn cool down on multiple deaths
SetGMPenaltiesMaxNum [number]Maximum penalty for SetGMRebirthExtraCD
SetGMPenaltiesCD [seconds]Time after which respawn cooldowns are reset to SetGMRebirthBaseCD
OpenAllHouseFlag 0/1Show the flags of all players on the map
SetFriendDisplayDistance [meter]Maximum distance in which names of squad members are displayed
SetEnemyDisplayDistance [meter]Maximum distance in which names of non-squad members are displayed
SetPlayerDeathAvatarItemDurableRate [multiplier]Lost durability of equipped items on death
SetPlayerDeathShortcutItemDurableRate [multiplier]Lost durability of items in the hotbar on death
GMSetCraftTimeRate [multiplier]Sets how fast items are repaired/crafted
SetNpcRespawnRate [multiplier]Sets how fast NPCs respawn
SetAnimalBodyStayTime [seconds]Sets the time after which animal bodies respawn
SetHumanBodyStayTime [seconds]Sets the time after which human corpses respawn
GMSetNPCLootableItemRate [multiplier]Sets the amount of dropped items from NPCs
SetNpcSpawnLevelRate [multiplier]Sets the level of NPCs
SetWildNPCDamageRate [multiplier]Sets the damage of wild NPCs
SetWildNPCHealthRate [multiplier]Sets how many hitpoints wild NPCs have
SetWildNPCSpeedRate [multiplier]Sets how fast wild NPCs are
SetCityNPCLevelRate [multiplier]Sets the level of raid NPCs
SetCityNPCDamageRate [multiplier]Sets the damage of raid NPCs
SetCityNPCHealthRate [multiplier]Sets how many hitpoints raid NPCs have
SetCityNPCSpeedRate [multiplier]Sets how fast raid NPCs are
SetCityNPCNumRate [multiplier]Sets how many raid NPCs are spawned per round
SetNpcDisplayDistance [meter]Maximum distance in which names of NPCs are displayed
GMSetInventoryGainRate [multiplier]Maximum amount of resources collected
GMSetCityAtkNPCLootItemRate [multiplier]Sets how many items raid NPCs drop
SetPlayerMaxHouseFlagNumber [number]Maximum number of flags a player can set
SetGJConstructMaxNumRatio [multiplier]Multiplies the number of construct types that can be placed
SetHFTrapMaxNum [amount]Number of traps that can be placed in the flag radius
SetHFTurretMaxNum [amount]number of turrets that can be placed in the flag radius
SetConstructDefenseRatio [multiplier]How much damage defensive building parts take
SetTrapDefenseRatio [multiplier]How much damage traps take
SetTurretDefenseRatio [multiplier]How much damage turrets take
SetTrapDamageRatio [multiplier]How much damage traps take
SetTurretDamageRatio [multiplier]How much damage turrets do
SetConstructMaxHealthRatio [multiplier]Sets the durability of building parts
SetConstructReturnHPRatio [multiplier]Determines how much durability of building parts is restored
SetHouseFlagRepairHealthRatio [multiplier]Multiplies the regeneration of building parts in the area of influence of a flag
SetCHFDamagedRateByPlayer [multiplier]Multiplies the damage caused by player weapons to flags
SetCHFDamagedRateByVehicle [multiplier]Multiplies the damage caused by vehicles to flags
SetCHFDamagedRateByNpc [multiplier]Multiplies the damage NPCs do to flags
SetHouseFlagExcitantTime [number]Value must be between 0 and 24. Sets the time in which flags can be attacked


GMSetMaxRetrieveProductsRate [multiplier]Maximum amount that can be collected must be higher than individual multipliers
GMSetTreeGainRate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of collected wood
GMSetBushGainRate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of plants collected
GMSetOreGainRate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of ore collected
GMSetCropReapRate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of crops collected
GMSetFleshGainRate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of collected flesh
GMSetCropGrowRate [multiplier]Sets how fast crops grow
GMSetTTC_Oil_Rate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of oil collected
GMSetWaterCollector_Rate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of water collected
GMSetTTC_Ore_Rate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of automatically collected ore
GMSetTTC_Fish_Rate [multiplier]Multiplies the amount of collected fish


hide 1/0Activates/Deactivates invisibility
flyActivates flight mode
walkDeactivates flight mode
ghostActivates noclip. Type command again to deactivate
PerspectiveConstruct 0/1Hides/displays names of building parts and their owners on the map
PerspectivePlayer 0/1Hide/Show player names
goto x y zTeleport to specified coordinates
ClearAllNPCKill all NPCs
SetPlayerScaleRate [scale]Change the size of your character model
ClearAllPlayersGodModeDeactivates the Godmode of all players on the server
ActivateInfiniteStamina 1/0Activates/Deactivates infinite stamina
ActivateIgnoreEnvironment 1/01=Ignores damage from the environment
ActivateInfiniteRecoverHealth 1/0Activates/Deactivates maximum health regeneration per second
KillGuildAll 1Kills the specified player if not in the squad. Kills all squad members if specified player is in a squad. Items are dropped on death
KillGuildAll 0Kills the specified player if not in a squad. Kills all squad members if specified player is in a squad. Items are not dropped on death
KillRadiusGuildConstruct 1 [meter]Destroys structures in the given radius. If player is not in a squad, only that squad is affected. If a player is in a squad, it affects all players in the squad. Items are dropped
KillRadiusGuildConstruct 0 [meter]Destroys structures in the opposed radius. If player is not in a squad, only that player is affected. If a player is in a squad, it affects all players in the squad. Items are not dropped.
KillRadiusGuildVehicle 1 [meter]Destroys vehicles in the opposed radius. If player is not in a squad, only that player is affected. If a player is in a squad, it affects all players in the squad. Items are dropped [meter]
KillRadiusGuildVehicle 0 [meter]Destroys vehicles in the opposed radius. If player is not in a squad, only that player is affected. If a player is in a squad, it affects all players in the squad. Items are not dropped
ClearAttackCityCD [Player ID]Resets the supply cool-down of the specified player.
SetEnableSuperKillEnables one-hit kills. Enter again to deactivate
JoinGuildAllows joining a squad. Squad must be selected before
SetGuildAdmin 1/0Makes you the squadmin
ForcedChangeGuildName [squad GUID] [new squad name]Forces a name change for the specified squad
JoinGuildByGuid [squad GUID]Forces a join to the specified squad
KillInteractObjectKills unit in crosshairs. Affects vehicles, creatures and buildings.
GMCreatorMode 1/0Activates/Deactivates Creator Mode
GMAddItems [itemID] [amount] [playerID]Adds a player to items. If no player is specified, items are added to you.
AddTargetPlayerExp [playerID] [EXP]Gives experience to the specified player
GMSpawnNPCByLocation [creatureID] [level] x y zSpawns the specified creature with specified level at the specified coordinates
GMSpawnNPCByPlayerGuid [creatureID] [level] [amount] [meter] [playerID]Spawns the specified creature with specified level in the specified radius of the respective player. If no player is specified, the creature spawns around you.
GMSpawnPetByPlayerGuid [creatureID] [level] [amount] [meter] [playerID]Spawns the specified level creature within the specified radius of the player. If no player is specified, the creature spawns around you