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Squad: Your game, your server

Squad Rent server
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How to Become an Admin Squad

Note: You need the SteamID64 of the players you want to make admins.
You can obtain your SteamID64 for example here:

First, you need to open the settings of your server.
To do this, click on the name of your server or the gray gear.

Basic Mode

In Basic Mode, click on Admin Settings on the left.
Then enter the desired SteamID64 under Admin 1, Admin 2, … .
Click on Save and then restart the server.

Advanced Mode

In Advanced Mode, click on Admins.cfg on the left.
In the text editor on the right, find the line Admin=:Admin.
Then enter the SteamID64 using the following format:
The entry would look like this, for example: Admin=7656xxxxxxxxxx:Admin
or like this: Admin=7656xxxxxxxxxx:Moderator
Create a new line for each admin you want to add!.

Creating Custom Admin Groups

In Squad, you can also create your own admin groups in Admins.cfg.
These groups are created using the following format:
As an example, let’s create the group Superadmin:


To assign a player to this group, the corresponding entry looks like this:


The following rights are available:
  • startvote - Not available at the moment
  • changemap - Allows map changes
  • pause - Pause the server
  • cheat - Allows the use of cheats
  • private - Allows setting a password
  • balance - Ignores balance settings
  • chat - Allows sending server messages
  • kick - Allows kicking players
  • ban - Allows banning players
  • config - Allows changing settings
  • cameraman - Allows admins to spectate
  • immunity - Immune to kicks/bans
  • manageserver - Shutdown server
  • featuretest - Features currently in testing (not recommended!)
  • reserve - Can use reserved slots
  • demos - Recording demos (not available)
  • debug - Debug information
  • teamchange - No time limit for team change
  • forceteamchange - Allows the use of forceteamchange
  • canseeadminchat - Visible admin chat and all server messages are displayed

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