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Soulmask: Your game, your server

Soulmask Rent server
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date /month

How to become an Admin in Soulmask

Create Admin Password

To be able to add an admin password, you must first open your server settings.
Click on Gameserver in your server overview on 4Netplayers on the left.
Now click on the gray gear or on the name of your server.

Basic Mode

In Basic Mode add your admin password under Server Settings -> Admin Password.
Then click on Save and restart your server.

Advanced Mode

In Advanced Mode add your admin password under Commandline -> Admin Password.
Then click on Save and restart your server.

Use Admin Password Ingame

By default, the console is opened with ~.
However, this only works with the English keyboard layout.
You may need to reassign the key.

Reassign Console Key

Open the Input.ini of Soulmask. By default, you can find it here:


Tip: Copy the above path and paste it into the address bar of the Explorer.
This should open the file for editing immediately.

Now add the following text:


Save your changes.
The console can then be opened ingame with the [Insert] key.
Tip: You can, of course, assign a different key.
If you enter ^ instead of Insert, the console can then be opened ingame with the [^] key next to the 1.

Become an Admin

Connect to your server and open the console.
Now enter the following:
gm key YourAdminPW
Replace YourAdminPW with your set password and press [ENTER].
The admin panel will now open.
You can find an overview of available console commands below.

Console Commands

Command NameCommand CodeDescription
Open GM Panelgm key [password]Effective for server owner only
Quick TeleportN/AOpen the map (M), hold left Crrl + Right Click directly on the target location
Teleportgm go [position_x] [position_y] [position_z]XYZ represents specific coordinates. Press M to open the map, then press F to display coordinates
Add Experiencegm add_exp [value]Effective for server owner only
Add Mask Experiencegm add_mask_exp [value]Effective for server owner only
Add Hunting Experiencegm add_hunting_exp [value]
Free CameraN/APress “/” to Enter free camera mode
Follow Player Viewgm follow_player_view 1After activating the command, choose a player to follow their view. Press M to enter free camera mode, press M again to return to that player’s view
Disable Follow Player Viewgm follow_player_view 0Stops following player’s view. If your view does not return to your own after disabling this effect, double-tap the [/] key
Unlock All Map Informationgm show_mapEffective for server owner only
Unlock All Tech Treegm unlock_techsEffective for server owner only
View Server Status InformationDebuginfo 1Displays server frame rate, number of online players, etc.
Hide Server Status InformationDebuginfo 0Stops displaying server frame rate, number of online players, etc.
Refresh Vegetation in Rangegm refresh_vegetation_in_range [value]Centered on server owner, [value] is the radius of the circle, 100 = 1 meter, maximum value 35,000
Destroy Vegetation in Rangegm destroy_vegetation_in_range [value]Centered on server owner, [value] is the radius of the circle, 100 = 1 meter, maximum value 35,000
Force Join Targeted Tribegm join_target_tribeN/A
Force Join Specified Tribegm join_tribe [index]Press J to open the tribe list and see the position of the tribe you want to join. Enter the corresponding [index] number; the tribe in the first position is counted as 0. If the tribe you want to join is in the third position, please enter 2.
Gain Chief Permissions for Current Tribegm take_over_target_tribeTake over the tribe of the player targeted by the mouse crosshair
Delete Tribe Sorted at index-1gm DeleteGuild N/A
Destroy Buildings Within Radiusgm CuiHuiViewGongHuiJianZhuByRadius Centered on server owner, [Radius] is the radius of the circle, 1 = 1 meter, maximum value 400
Manual Savegm BaoCunManually Save Server Data
Reset Skillsgm reset_abilitiesEffective for server owner only
Quick Recruit NPC (aim at target)gm recruitRecruits the barbarian targeted by the crosshair
Clear All NPCsgm clear_all_npcsClear All NPCs on the server
Show Own Information, Quality, Proficiency, Talents, ShowInfo 1Shows the server owner’s own information
Show Character Information, Quality, Proficiency, Talents, ShowInfo 0Shows information of the character targeted by the crosshair
Set All Proficiency Levelsgm set_all_pros_level [value]Effective for server owner only
Repair Mask Nodesgm unlock_nodesEffective for server owner only
Show Invasion Heat Information Chartgm show_feverDisplays the fever at the server owner’s location
Clear All Barbarian Invasion Heatgm clear_feverClears the fever at the server owner’s location
Increase Barbarian Invasion Heat at Current Locationgm add_fever [value]Increases the fever at the server owner’s location, maximum value 8,000,000
View Current LocationGPSEffective for server owner only
Enable Invisibilitygm SetAttr YinShen 1Enter Invisibility Mode, can be detected by [Q]
Disable Invisibilitygm SetAttr YinShen 0N/A