Change game settings for Sons of The Forest
Important: Once the server has created a savegame, changes to the settings no longer work!
These are saved in the savegame, therefore the game ignores changed settings.
Important: You must set your server to Advanced Mode.
The server must then also remain in this mode, otherwise changes made in Advanced Mode will be reverted!
Tip: We recommend that you use a syntax checker for the JSon format.
If the syntax is not correct, the server will not start correctly.
- JSONLint : here you can only check for correct syntax.
- JSon Formatter : here you can fix possible errors automatically. To do this, tick Fix JSon.
Game settings
The following game settings can be changed in all game modes:
"GameSettings": {
"Gameplay.TreeRegrowth": true,
"Structure.Damage": true
Setting | Values | Description |
"Gameplay.TreeRegrowth" | true, false | Determines whether trees grow back when you sleep |
"Structure.Damage" | true, false | Determines whether buildings can take damage |
These settings can only be changed if Custom
is selected as the game mode:
"CustomGameModeSettings": {
"GameSetting.Vail.EnemySpawn": true,
"GameSetting.Vail.EnemyHealth": "Normal",
"GameSetting.Vail.EnemyDamage": "Normal",
"GameSetting.Vail.EnemyArmour": "Normal",
"GameSetting.Vail.EnemyAggression": "Normal",
"GameSetting.Vail.AnimalSpawnRate": "Normal",
"GameSetting.Environment.StartingSeason": "Summer",
"GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength": "Default",
"GameSetting.Environment.DayLength": "Default",
"GameSetting.Environment.PrecipitationFrequency": "Default",
"GameSetting.Survival.ConsumableEffects": "Normal",
"GameSetting.Survival.PlayerStatsDamage": "Off",
"GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenalties": "Off",
"GameSetting.Survival.ReducedFoodInContainers": false,
"GameSetting.Survival.SingleUseContainers": false
Setting | Values | Description |
GameSetting.Vail.EnemySpawn | true, false | Determines whether enemies can spawn |
GameSetting.Vail.EnemyHealth | low, normal, high | Adjust enemy starting health |
GameSetting.Vail.EnemyDamage | low, normal, high | Adjust damage enemies can do |
GameSetting.Vail.EnemyArmour | low, normal, high | Adjust enemies armor strength |
GameSetting.Vail.EnemyAggression | low, normal, high | Adjust enemy aggression level |
GameSetting.Vail.AnimalSpawnRate | low, normal, high | Adjust animal spawn rate |
GameSetting.Environment.StartingSeason | spring, summer, autumn, winter | Sets the season at the beginning of the game |
GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength | short, default, long, realistic | Sets the length of the season |
GameSetting.Environment.DayLength | short, default, long, realistic | Sets the length of a day |
GameSetting.Environment.PrecipitationFrequency | low, default, high | Controls the frequency of snow and rain |
GameSetting.Survival.ConsumableEffects | normal, hard | Enable damage taken when low hydration and low fullness |
GameSetting.Survival.PlayerStatsDamage | off, normal, hard | Enable damage from each bad or rotten food and drink |
GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenalties | off, normal, hard | Adjusts the severity that cold will affect health and stamina regeneration |
GameSetting.Survival.ReducedFoodInContainers | true, false | Reduces the amount of food found in containers |
GameSetting.Survival.SingleUseContainers | true, false | Containers can only be opened once |
Example config
"IpAddress": "",
"GamePort": 8766,
"QueryPort": 27016,
"BlobSyncPort": 9700,
"ServerName": "4Netplayers Sons of The Forest Server",
"MaxPlayers": 8,
"Password": "test",
"LanOnly": false,
"SaveSlot": 1,
"SaveMode": "Continue",
"GameMode": "Custom",
"SaveInterval": 600,
"IdleDayCycleSpeed": 0.0,
"IdleTargetFramerate": 5,
"ActiveTargetFramerate": 60,
"LogFilesEnabled": false,
"TimestampLogFilenames": true,
"TimestampLogEntries": true,
"SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest": false,
"GameSettings": {
"Gameplay.TreeRegrowth": false,
"Structure.Damage": false
"CustomGameModeSettings": {
"GameSetting.Vail.EnemySpawn": false,
"GameSetting.Vail.EnemyDamage": "Low",
"GameSetting.Survival.ReducedFoodInContainers": false
Important: Please do not change the default values for the ports and the server address!
Otherwise your server will not work correctly.
Also pay attention to upper/lower case with regards to names for the settings.
Otherwise the server will not start correctly.