Change or reset your admin password Satisfactory
Change admin password
- start your game and click on Server Manager
- select your server and click on Server Settings
- log in with your old admin password
- click on Change password next to Admin password
- type in the new password into both fields and click Confirm
Reset admin password
- stop your server. The status must be Server is not running!
- connect to the gameserver FTP.
- navigate to the following directory:
Important: Make sure that hidden folders and files are displayed in the settings of your FTP program. - delete the existing ServerSettings file. The ending of the file corresponds to the game port of your server.
- start your server. You will have to reclaim your server.
We describe how to do this here: How to play on my server - now click on Manage savegames and load the latest savegame
- now click on Status. When the game has been loaded, click on Join game