Language & Currency


Path of Titans: Your game, your server

Path of Titans Rent server
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date /month

Admincommands Path of Titans

To use these commands, simply open your text chat.
Then enter the respective command and confirm with <ENTER>.
These commands can also be used in spectator mode.

When distributing roles, the necessary permission (permission) is,
unless otherwise specified, the name of the respective command.

General commands

These commands can be used by anyone on the server and are not bound to a role.

/rulesDisplays the rules of the server.
/motdDisplays the welcome message.
/helpDisplays all commands with a brief description that can be used.
/clearClears all messages from the chat channel.
/mapbugCopies the current player's position to the clipboard.
/bugsnapAllows you to submit bugs to the developer.
/respawnKills the player and respawns them at one of the spawn points.
/mute <user>Mutes the specified player for the player who uses the command.
/unmute <user>Unmutes the specified player for the player who uses the command.

Teleport commands

Important: By default, the game uses a safe method for teleportation.
This means that the player will be placed near the ground and collisions will be avoided.
The optional parameter unsafe deactivates this behavior.





/teleport (coordinates)

/teleport (X=-91112.6875,Y=-176182.75,Z=13156.462891)

Teleportiert your character to the specified position.
Optional Parameter unsafe


/teleport (coordinates)

/teleport Urizen (X=-91112.6875,Y=-176182.75,Z=13156.462891)

Teleports the specified player to the specified position
Optional Parameter unsafe


/teleport <user> <user>

/teleport Bob Bert

Teleports the first player to the second player.
Optional Parameter unsafe


/teleport <POIname>

/teleport talonspoint

Teleports your character to a random point in the specified location.
Optional Parameter unsafe


/teleport <user> <POIname>

/teleport Jiggy talonspoint

Teleports the specified player to a random point in the specified location.
Optional Parameter unsafe


/bring <user>

/bring Urizen

Teleports the specified player to your position.
Optional Parameter unsafe


/goto <location>

/goto talonspoint

Teleports you to the specified player, location or coordinates
Optional Parameter unsafe


/teleportall <POIname>

/teleportall talonspoint

Teleports all players on the server to the specified location


/teleportall <coordinates>

/teleportall (X=-91112.6875,Y=-176182.75,Z=13156.462891)

Teleports all players to the specified coordinates




Teleports all players on the server to your position



/setmarks <number>/setmarks 900Set your marks to the set value+Permission=setmarks
/setmarks <user> <number>/setmarks Urizen 900Sets the marks for the specified player to the set value+Permission=setmarks
/addmarks <user> <number>/addmarks Urizen 250Adds marks to the specified player+Permission=setmarks
/removemarks <user> <number>/removemarks Urizen 250Removes marks from the specified player+Permission=setmarks
/heal/healHeals you to full health+Permission=heal
/heal <user>/heal UrizenHeals the specified player+Permission=heal
/healall/healallHeals all players on the server+Permission=healall
/godmode/godmodeDe-/Activates godmode for your character+Permission=godmode
/godmode <user>/godmode UrizenDe-/Activates godmode for the specified player+Permission=godmode
/<attribute> <value>/hunger 100Sets your hunger to 100. Possible attributes: thirst,stamina,oxygen+Permission=modify attribute
/modattr <user> <attribute> <value>/modattr Urizen Stamina -100Modifies the attribute by the specified value. Possible attributes: Health,MaxHealth,Stamina,Hunger,MaxHunger+Permission=modify attribute
/setattr <user> <attribute> <value>/setattr Urizen Health 300Sets the attribute to the specified value+Permission=set attribute
/givequest <user> <questname>/givequest Urizen Collect MushroomsStarts the specified quest for the specified player+Permission=givequest


/save/saveSaves the game+Permission=save
/promote <user> <adminrole>/promote Urizen dinomasterPromotes the player to the role specified+Permission=promote
/demote <user>/demote UrizenRemoves all adminroles from the player+Permission=promote
/kick <user> <kickreason>/kick Urizen ChatspamKicks the player with a message. The message is optional+Permission=kick
/ban <user> <banreason>/ban Urizen Rule number 34Bans the player with a message. The message is optional+Permission=ban
/unban <user>/unban UrizenUnban the player+Permission=ban
/restart <seconds>/restart 120Restarts the server after the time specified in seconds+Permission=restart
/cancelrestart/cancelrestartCancels a serverrestart+Permission=restart
/announce <message>/announce Willkommen bei 4Netplayers!Displays an announcement on the server+Permission=announce
/listpoi/listpoiLists all points of interests on the map+Permission=listpoi
/listquests/listquestsLists all available quests+Permission=listquests
/listroles/listrolesLists all available roles+Permission=listroles
/listwaters/listwatersLists all bodies of water+Permission=listwaters
/listwaystones/listwaystonesLists all waystones+Permission=listwaystones
/weather <type>/weather clearskySets the weather to the specified type. Possible types: ClearSky,Overcast,Fog,Cloudy,Rain,Storm+Permission=weather
/timeofday <time>/timeofday nightSets the time of day. You can specify morning,night,day as well as specific time, i.e. 1200+Permission=time of day
/day/nightShort for /timeofday night. Other possibilities: /day,/morning+Permission=time of day
/clearbodies/clearbodiesRemoves all dead bodies from the map+Permission=clearbodies
/waterquality <tag> <0-100%>/waterquality swampyreservoir 50Sets the waterquality in percent for the specified body of water+Permission=waterquality
/waystonecooldown <tag> <0-100%>/waystonecooldown centralwaystone 50Sets the cooldown to the specified value in percent for the specified waystone+Permission=waystonecooldown