Language & Currency


Minecraft: Your game, your server

Minecraft Rent server
from 4.64
AUD /month
from 5.26
BGN /month
from 16.86
BRL /month
from 4.22
CAD /month
from 2.59
CHF /month
from 21.20
CNY /month
from 67.29
CZK /month
from 20.07
DKK /month
from 2.69
EUR /month
from 2.26
GBP /month
from 22.77
HKD /month
from 20.27
HRK /month
from 1,074.60
HUF /month
from 47,913.20
IDR /month
from 10.77
ILS /month
from 254.65
INR /month
from 392.47
ISK /month
from 435.46
JPY /month
from 4,257.92
KRW /month
from 58.53
MXN /month
from 13.02
MYR /month
from 31.26
NOK /month
from 5.11
NZD /month
from 167.78
PHP /month
from 11.22
PLN /month
from 13.39
RON /month
from 315.27
RUB /month
from 29.73
SEK /month
from 3.91
SGD /month
from 98.61
THB /month
from 107.43
TRY /month
from 2.93
USD /month
from 53.22
ZAR /month
from 8.48
date /month

How to unban players in Minecraft

There are two methods to unban a player.
Either via admin command or directly in the banned-players.json.

Admin Command

Open the chat and type the following:
pardon Playername
Replace Playername with the name of the banned player and press Enter.
Note: This command only works correctly if your server’s online mode is enabled.


You will need an FTP client like Filezilla.

  1. Start and stop your server. The server status must be Server not running!
  2. Connect to your Game Server FTP using your FTP client.
    The login details required for Filezilla can be found in your server configuration under FTP.
  3. The required file banned-players.json is located in the minecraft-data directory.
    Download it and open it with a text editor like Notepad.
  4. A player’s entry looks like this:
    "uuid": "2940c4f7-f3c8-4838-a1d4-f19981af3950",
    "name": "nutties_nuts",
    "created": "2023-07-27 09:35:17 +0200",
    "source": "Console",
    "expires": "forever",
    "reason": "The Ban Hammer has spoken!"

With multiple players:

    "uuid": "6cdae416-9ce2-4df9-8688-d1eb3c185ef4",
    "name": "Player1",
    "created": "2023-07-27 09:35:17 +0200",
    "source": "Console",
    "expires": "forever",
    "reason": "The Ban Hammer has spoken!"
    "uuid": "6cdae416-9ce2-4df9-8688-d1eb3c185ef5",
    "name": "Player2",
    "created": "2023-07-27 09:35:17 +0200",
    "source": "Console",
    "expires": "forever",
    "reason": "The Ban Hammer has spoken!"
    "uuid": "6cdae416-9ce2-4df9-8688-d1eb3c185ef6",
    "name": "Player3",
    "created": "2023-07-27 09:35:17 +0200",
    "source": "Console",
    "expires": "forever",
    "reason": "The Ban Hammer has spoken!"

Delete the entry for the player you want to unban, for example:

    "uuid": "6cdae416-9ce2-4df9-8688-d1eb3c185ef5",
    "name": "Player2",
    "created": "2023-07-27 09:35:17 +0200",
    "source": "Console",
    "expires": "forever",
    "reason": "The Ban Hammer has spoken!"
    "uuid": "6cdae416-9ce2-4df9-8688-d1eb3c185ef6",
    "name": "Player3",
    "created": "2023-07-27 09:35:17 +0200",
    "source": "Console",
    "expires": "forever",
    "reason": "The Ban Hammer has spoken!"
  1. Save your changes and upload the file again.
  2. Start your server.

Important: If you want to unban all players, make sure that the [] remains in the file.
Otherwise, the server will crash on startup.
Since the file is in JSON format, we recommend using a validator such as JSON Formatter.
If the file’s formatting is incorrect, it will either be overwritten by the server with a default version or cause the server to crash on startup.