Language & Currency


Longvinter: Your game, your server

Longvinter Rent server
from 4.64
AUD /month
from 5.26
BGN /month
from 16.86
BRL /month
from 4.22
CAD /month
from 2.59
CHF /month
from 21.20
CNY /month
from 67.29
CZK /month
from 20.07
DKK /month
from 2.69
EUR /month
from 2.26
GBP /month
from 22.77
HKD /month
from 20.27
HRK /month
from 1,074.60
HUF /month
from 47,913.20
IDR /month
from 10.77
ILS /month
from 254.65
INR /month
from 392.47
ISK /month
from 435.46
JPY /month
from 4,257.92
KRW /month
from 58.53
MXN /month
from 13.02
MYR /month
from 31.26
NOK /month
from 5.11
NZD /month
from 167.78
PHP /month
from 11.22
PLN /month
from 13.39
RON /month
from 315.27
RUB /month
from 29.73
SEK /month
from 3.91
SGD /month
from 98.61
THB /month
from 107.43
TRY /month
from 2.93
USD /month
from 53.22
ZAR /month
from 8.48
date /month

Uploading savegame to Longvinter

In this article, we will describe how to upload a savegame for Longvinter.

Tip: You will need to use a FTP client like Filezilla.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start and stop your server. The status of your server must be Server not running!
  2. Connect with your FTP program to Gameserver FTP.
    You can find the login details in the FTP overview when you click on FTP.
  3. The savegame should be uploaded to the following directory:
  4. Start your server.