How to install mods in Killing Floor 2
First, please stop your server.
Once your server is stopped, switch it to Advanced mode.
This is necessary because we need to edit the PCServer-KFEngine.ini
Click on PCServer-KFEngine.ini
in the white column on the left.
In the resulting text editor, add the following line anywhere:[OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.KFWorkshopSteamworks]
Next, you will need the WorkshopID of the mods you want to use.
You can find this in the URL in your browser:
In this example, the ID would be 2222630586.
Add it below the line you created earlier, like this:ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=2222630586
The final result should look like this:
For each mod you want to use, you will need to add a new line.
With multiple mods, it would look like this:
Next, find the section [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver]
Add the following line below it:DownloadManagers=OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.SteamWorkshopDownload
Finally, save your changes by clicking Save.