Language & Currency


Killing Floor 2: Your game, your server

Killing Floor 2 Rent server
from 9.89
AUD /month
from 11.72
BGN /month
from 36.02
BRL /month
from 8.90
CAD /month
from 5.66
CHF /month
from 45.61
CNY /month
from 150.01
CZK /month
from 44.68
DKK /month
from 5.99
EUR /month
from 4.98
GBP /month
from 48.85
HKD /month
from 45.14
HRK /month
from 2,413.67
HUF /month
from 101,712.00
IDR /month
from 22.37
ILS /month
from 543.95
INR /month
from 882.33
ISK /month
from 958.94
JPY /month
from 9,041.91
KRW /month
from 127.67
MXN /month
from 27.84
MYR /month
from 69.79
NOK /month
from 10.99
NZD /month
from 362.32
PHP /month
from 24.95
PLN /month
from 29.81
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 67.35
SEK /month
from 8.42
SGD /month
from 211.08
THB /month
from 227.31
TRY /month
from 6.28
USD /month
from 115.34
ZAR /month
from 12.89
date /month

How do I add custom maps to the mapcycle in Killing Floor 2

First, please stop your server.
Once it’s stopped, switch the server to Advanced mode.
This is necessary because we need to edit the PCServer-KFGame.ini file.
Click on PCServer-KFGame.ini in the white column on the left.
First, find the line:

This line determines the maps that are in the cycle.
For example, if the map was KF-Testmap1, the complete line would look like this:
GameMapCycles=(Maps=( "KF-Testmap1" ))

With more than one map, the line would look like this:
GameMapCycles=(Maps=( "KF-Testmap1" , "KF-Testmap2" , "KF-Testmap3" ))

Next, a new section needs to be created.
It looks like this:

    [KF-Testmap1 KFMapSummary]

Create this section for each custom map and adjust the map names accordingly.
Once you’re done with your changes, click Save.

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