Language & Currency


Farming Simulator 22: Your game, your server

Farming Simulator 22 Rent server
from 4.38
AUD /month
from 5.26
BGN /month
from 16.44
BRL /month
from 3.97
CAD /month
from 2.52
CHF /month
from 20.52
CNY /month
from 68.07
CZK /month
from 20.07
DKK /month
from 2.69
EUR /month
from 2.24
GBP /month
from 22.05
HKD /month
from 20.27
HRK /month
from 1,094.96
HUF /month
from 45,202.22
IDR /month
from 10.59
ILS /month
from 239.31
INR /month
from 393.55
ISK /month
from 441.81
JPY /month
from 3,977.92
KRW /month
from 58.43
MXN /month
from 12.69
MYR /month
from 31.63
NOK /month
from 4.83
NZD /month
from 166.70
PHP /month
from 11.67
PLN /month
from 13.39
RON /month
from 315.27
RUB /month
from 31.21
SEK /month
from 3.81
SGD /month
from 99.23
THB /month
from 97.37
TRY /month
from 2.83
USD /month
from 51.95
ZAR /month
from 30.00
date /month

Where can I find my server ingame FS22?

You can easily find your server ingame.
You just have to make sure that the filters you use match the settings of the server.
You will also find an input field at the top right. There you can enter the name of the server.
This narrows down the selection of servers.
You can find the filters you need and the name of your server in the web interface of the server.
How you can log in to the web interface is described here: How to log into the web interface.