Language & Currency


Empyrion - Galactic Survival: Your game, your server

Empyrion - Galactic Survival Rent server
from 9.75
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from 11.72
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from 36.61
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from 8.84
CAD /month
from 5.61
CHF /month
from 45.68
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from 44.68
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from 5.99
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from 4.98
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from 49.10
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from 45.14
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from 2,438.23
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from 100,654.76
IDR /month
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ILS /month
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ISK /month
from 983.80
JPY /month
from 8,857.89
KRW /month
from 130.11
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from 28.27
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from 70.44
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from 10.76
NZD /month
from 371.21
PHP /month
from 25.99
PLN /month
from 29.81
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 69.50
SEK /month
from 8.49
SGD /month
from 220.95
THB /month
from 216.82
TRY /month
from 6.31
USD /month
from 115.69
ZAR /month
from 66.80
date /month

Uploading Custom Scenarios in Empyrion

We will show you how to upload your own scenario using Reforged Eden.

Important: This guide only works if the server has never been started.
If the server has been started before, you need to delete the old savegame after uploading and activating the scenario!
We describe how and where to find your savegame here: Download Savegame.

Tip: We recommend using an FTP program like Filezilla.
Note: You will need to put your server into Advanced Mode!

Please follow these steps:

  1. Subscribe to the scenario you want to use in the Workshop.
  2. Download the scenario. You may need to start your game once.
    You will find your scenario in the following directory:
    Note: Your mods are located on the same hard drive where you installed the game.
  3. Stop your server. The status of your server must be Server is not running!
  4. Use your FTP program to connect to the upload-FTP.
    You can find the login information in the FTP overview when you click on FTP.
  5. Upload the desired scenario to the following directory:
    Note: The ConfigID or Configuration ID for your server can be found on our site under Gameserver.
    If your ConfigID is for example 123456, it would look like this: /123456/Content/Scenarios
    Note: Steam uses the WorkshopID as the folder name for the scenario.
    So if the scenario is Reforged Eden,
    the name of the folder you need to upload would be 2154284616
    You can find the WorkshopID in the link to the mod:
    The number after ?id is the WorkshopID.
  6. Rename the folder on the FTP.
    Let’s take Reforged Eden as an example again.
    Change 2154284616 to Reforged Eden.
    Important: The folder must be renamed!
  7. Open the settings of your server.
    Simply click on the name of your server or the gray gear.
  8. Click on dedicated.yaml on the left.
  9. In the text editor on the right, scroll down to GameConfig:
  10. Under CustomScenario:, enter the name of your uploaded folder.
    With Reforged Eden, it would look like this: CustomScenario: Reforged Eden.
    Important: Pay attention to the capitalization!
  11. Click on Save
  12. Start your server