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Language & Currency


ArmA 3: Your game, your server

ArmA 3 Rent server
from 10.05
AUD /month
from 11.72
BGN /month
from 38.49
BRL /month
from 8.95
CAD /month
from 5.64
CHF /month
from 45.42
CNY /month
from 150.86
CZK /month
from 44.67
DKK /month
from 5.99
EUR /month
from 4.97
GBP /month
from 48.33
HKD /month
from 45.14
HRK /month
from 2,463.99
HUF /month
from 100,757.19
IDR /month
from 22.69
ILS /month
from 532.71
INR /month
from 861.96
ISK /month
from 976.73
JPY /month
from 9,177.58
KRW /month
from 129.09
MXN /month
from 27.83
MYR /month
from 70.65
NOK /month
from 11.10
NZD /month
from 361.20
PHP /month
from 25.61
PLN /month
from 29.80
RON /month
from 702.03
RUB /month
from 68.64
SEK /month
from 8.48
SGD /month
from 213.70
THB /month
from 220.06
TRY /month
from 6.22
USD /month
from 117.52
ZAR /month
from 6.18
date /month

How to Activate the Arma 3 Creator DLCs

By default, all DLCs and CDLCs for Arma 3 are pre-installed on our servers.

How to Activate a CDLC

Creator DLCs, or CDLCs for short, need to be separately activated in Arma in order to use them.
We will describe here how you can activate and use the CDLCs on your server.
First, you need to access the settings of your server.
Click on the name of your game server in our web interface under Gameserver.

Basic Mode

  1. Click on Mod Settings on the left side of the web interface.
  2. Then, simply enter the DLC abbreviation into the field Mods (Manual Installation via FTP).
  3. If you have uploaded additional mods via FTP, they must be separated by a semicolon.
    • Example gm;@cba_a3 or if you also activate another CDLC gm;vn.
  4. Then just save and restart the server.

Advanced Mode

  1. Click on Commandline on the left side of the web interface.
  2. Then, simply enter the DLC abbreviation into the field Mods (Manual Installation via FTP).
  3. If you have uploaded additional mods via FTP, they must be separated by a semicolon.
    • Example gm;@cba_a3 or if you also activate another CDLC gm;vn.
  4. Then just save and restart the server.

Current Arma 3 Creator DLCs

DLC AbbreviationDLCSteam
gmGlobal Mobilization - Cold War GermanySteam Store
vnS.O.G. Prairie FireSteam Store
cslaCSLA Iron CurtainSteam Store
wsWestern SaharaSteam Store
speSpearhead 1944Steam Store
rfReaction ForcesSteam Store
efExpeditionary ForcesSteam Store