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Build an Automatic Blaze Farm: Endless Blaze Rods and Experience Points

Build an Automatic Blaze Farm: Endless Blaze Rods and Experience Points

The Nether presents unique challenges, and Blazes are among the most important foes. This guide will teach you how to build an efficient automatic Blaze farm to collect Blaze Rods and experience points. They consist of many yellow rods and a head. Additionally, they are surrounded by smoke, signaling that they, like their surroundings, are very hot. Blazes are extremely important for progression in Minecraft, so you will inevitably need to seek them out. We’ll show you how to easily find Blazes, effectively use their loot, and even build an automatic Blaze farm!

Blazes in Minecraft: Everything You Need to Know

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Finding Blazes: The Best Places in the Nether

Blazes can only be found in the Nether, and even then only in Nether Fortresses. They spawn sporadically there, but you’re most likely to encounter them by finding their spawners. These spawners are unique to the fortresses and cannot be found elsewhere. If you want to navigate the Nether effectively, be sure to check out our previous guide (Surviving Minecraft Nether: Tips and Tricks for Experienced Players) to prepare yourself for the hellish dimension.

Be cautious when approaching a Blaze. They shoot fireballs that can set you on fire instantly. Additionally, these fireballs can knock you off the fortress, which is obviously undesirable. The Blaze fires three of these shots in quick succession, and they can travel up to 46 blocks! It’s best to use a shield to protect yourself against them.

Using Blaze Rods: Key Recipes and Benefits

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Blazes are crucial for reaching the end of Minecraft. Their loot includes Blaze Rods, which you can use for various purposes. Therefore, an automatic farm in the Nether is worthwhile to kill Blazes and collect the rods. The loot is influenced by the “Looting” enchantment, allowing you to obtain up to 4 Blaze Rods at once!

  • Ender Eyes: To craft Ender Eyes, find a Stronghold, and repair it, you need Blaze Powder in addition to regular Ender Pearls. Blaze Powder can only be crafted from Blaze Rods. A farm is extremely important to always have enough Ender Eyes available.
  • Brewing: Both rods and powder are indispensable for brewing. A brewing stand can only be built with a Blaze Rod. Additionally, Blaze Powder is always needed for potion processing, as the process won’t work without it.
  • Magma Cream: For Magma Cream, you need a Slimeball and Blaze Powder. You can then use these to craft Magma Blocks.
  • End Rod: The End Rod provides unique lighting. It looks really cool, but requires both a Blaze Rod and a popped Chorus Fruit.
  • Fuel: You should also use Blaze Rods as simple fuel for your furnaces. They can smelt 12 items in succession, making them very effective! In the list of best fuels, they rank fourth, behind a lava bucket, a block of coal, and a dried kelp block.

Blazes are also a good source of experience points, especially in the mid-game. Each Blaze killed gives you 10 experience points. Besides the loot, you can use such a farm for XP, which is very practical and allows you to gather a lot of experience in a short time.

Building an Automatic Blaze Farm: Step-by-Step Guide

While previous Blaze farms were difficult to build, this is no longer a problem. The guide follows a similar principle to a mob trap, only in the Nether. Note that Blazes do not die in lava but are pushed away by it like water. We take advantage of this mechanic!

Tip: Find a Blaze spawner that is already exposed. This makes it much easier to build this farm. In our case, we weren’t so lucky, but a good pickaxe will do the job!

Required Materials

  • possibly light-emitting blocks
  • dirt (as scaffolding)
  • several stacks of non-flammable building blocks
  • 2 slabs
  • 4 lava buckets
  • hopper + chest
  • sword with “Sharpness,” “Sweeping Edge,” and “Looting”

Step-by-Step Guide

To build without being disturbed by Blazes, you should completely surround the spawner with light-emitting blocks (e.g., Glowstone). Or you can simply set the game to “Peaceful” during the building process, which is very convenient and saves you a lot of frustration.

To create enough space around the spawner for the Blazes, you need to clear a 9x9x8 room. Mark the distances with dirt so you don’t get confused. Clear 3 blocks upward, 4 to each side, and another 4 downward. This creates the box in which the Blazes can spawn.

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Enclose this room with a wall. Use a building block of your choice that is suitable for the Nether. Wood is not a good choice as it would burn. The edges of the large box have dimensions of 11x11x10 blocks. We chose andesite and glass, which is much better if you want to see inside. Leave one block open at the bottom in the center.

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Place a lava bucket in each of the lower corners. Place a slab on top of the spawner so that Blazes do not spawn.

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Finally, build the collection mechanism. Dig 4 blocks deep under the farm. Surround the hole on all sides with 3 building blocks each, on the front side with only two and a slab, under which you can crouch and attack. With a hopper and a chest, the farm is complete!

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When you re-enable monsters, Blazes will spawn. They sink down and are collected by the lava. You can stand below and fight them with your sword. The Blaze Rods are automatically collected by the hopper, and you gain valuable experience points.

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A Blaze farm is easy to build and should definitely exist in your Minecraft world. Blazes are not only a wonderful source of experience points, but they also drop useful Blaze Rods that you can use for various things in your world. Secure infinite Blaze Rods for all your projects on your own server. Rent your Minecraft server and maximize your energy production!

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