4 Slots
BGN 5.26
BRL 16.86
CAD 4.22
CHF 2.59
CNY 21.20
CZK 67.29
DKK 20.07
EUR 2.69
GBP 2.26
HKD 22.77
HRK 20.27
HUF 1,074.60
IDR 47,913.20
ILS 10.77
INR 254.65
ISK 392.47
JPY 435.46
KRW 4,257.92
MXN 58.53
MYR 13.02
NOK 31.26
NZD 5.11
PHP 167.78
PLN 11.22
RON 13.39
RUB 315.27
SEK 29.73
SGD 3.91
THB 98.61
TRY 107.43
USD 2.93
ZAR 53.22
date 8.48
/ month
Server location:
8 Slots
BGN 21.10 10.54
BRL 67.63 33.79
CAD 16.93 8.46
CHF 10.40 5.20
CNY 85.05 42.49
CZK 269.90 134.83
DKK 80.49 40.21
EUR 10.79 5.39
GBP 9.08 4.54
HKD 91.32 45.62
HRK 81.32 40.62
HUF 4,310.39 2,153.20
IDR 192,187.16 96,004.52
ILS 43.18 21.57
INR 1,021.44 510.25
ISK 1,574.26 786.40
JPY 1,746.69 872.53
KRW 17,079.17 8,531.67
MXN 234.76 117.27
MYR 52.24 26.10
NOK 125.38 62.63
NZD 20.48 10.23
PHP 672.99 336.19
PLN 45.02 22.49
RON 53.70 26.82
RUB 1,264.60 631.71
SEK 119.27 59.58
SGD 15.68 7.83
THB 395.54 197.59
TRY 430.93 215.27
USD 11.75 5.87
ZAR 213.46 106.63
date 34.01 16.99
/ month
Server location:
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In 17 locations worldwide, we offer unique accessibility with the lowest pings. Further locations are constantly being developed and guarantee breathtaking gaming fun with the lowest latency in every game.

Frequently asked questions
Buying a Lightphobe server is often very expensive. In comparison, if you rent a **Lightphobe server, you are not burdened by a one-time high payment. As a rule, you pay a low price once a month.
With us you also have the possibility to adjust the tariff for your server, the mods connected to it and accordingly the **price at any time. the price at any time. So you can try out different servers and modpacks and optionally remove them remove them again without spending a large sum of money.
With 4Netplayers, this is completely up to you. Regardless of whether you choose the Starter, Professional or Premium offer, you can determine the term of your contract yourself. Starting at one month up to a term of 12 months, it’s up to you how long you want it to last. it is up to you how long you want to rent a server with us as your host. The longer the term of your contract is, the cheaper it will be, by the way, and so you will save 10% of the price for a 12-month contract compared to one month you save 10 % of the price.
Absolutely. With 4Netplayers you don’t have to worry about security and protection. For one thing, you have free to choose the duration of your contract and are not obliged to make endless monthly payments. On the other hand your server itself is safe, because we protect it with DDoS from bad traffic.
After logging in, click on “Gameserver” on the left and then on “Create configuration”. Select your desired mods, enter a password - and your server is ready to go!
Lightphobe Screenshots
Light against darkness: experience the battle in Lightphobe
Lightphobe is an asymmetrical PVP game that takes the player into a world full of danger and tension. Here, soldiers and dangerous creatures called Lightphobes face off against each other, intent on the destruction of humanity. The Lightphobes have a natural invincibility to physical damage due to a special coating on their surface. Fortunately for the soldiers, this coating can be dissolved with a special light source, making the Lightphobes vulnerable.
As a soldier, the player must have a quick eye and keen awareness of their surroundings in order to aim quickly and set up an insurmountable defence plan against the Lightphobes. Cooperation is the key to success here. Only through careful strategy and a well-coordinated team can the soldiers fend off the attacks of the Lightphobes.
As a Lightphobe, on the other hand, the focus is on fast manoeuvring and exploiting weak points in the soldiers’ defences. Coordination with other Lightphobe players is crucial for success here. There are 5 different weapon loadouts for soldiers and 2 different loadouts for Lightphobes. The game also features 2 different maps and multiplayer support for up to 16 players. Official dedicated servers are available in North America and Europe and there is an integrated voice chat feature. The replay function allows past games to be saved and viewed.
Overall, Lightphobe offers an exciting, unique gaming experience that stands out from other PVP games. The mix of FPS and third-person action makes the game a unique experience. Through the different game modes and options, Lightphobe offers hours of fun and challenges. The game is perfect for all players who are looking for a change from conventional shooters and want to experience the thrill of asymmetrical combat.