10 Slots
BGN 11.72
BRL 36.61
CAD 8.84
CHF 5.61
CNY 45.68
CZK 151.58
DKK 44.68
EUR 5.99
GBP 4.98
HKD 49.10
HRK 45.14
HUF 2,438.23
IDR 100,654.76
ILS 23.59
INR 532.90
ISK 876.34
JPY 983.80
KRW 8,857.89
MXN 130.11
MYR 28.27
NOK 70.44
NZD 10.76
PHP 371.21
PLN 25.99
RON 29.81
RUB 702.03
SEK 69.50
SGD 8.49
THB 220.95
TRY 216.82
USD 6.31
ZAR 115.69
date 66.80
/ month
Server location:
16 Slots
BGN 31.66 15.82
BRL 98.96 49.45
CAD 23.89 11.94
CHF 15.17 7.58
CNY 123.48 61.70
CZK 409.69 204.72
DKK 120.77 60.35
EUR 16.19 8.09
GBP 13.46 6.73
HKD 132.72 66.32
HRK 122.02 60.97
HUF 6,590.14 3,293.03
IDR 272,053.52 135,942.74
ILS 63.75 31.85
INR 1,440.34 719.72
ISK 2,368.60 1,183.57
JPY 2,659.05 1,328.70
KRW 23,941.45 11,963.33
MXN 351.66 175.72
MYR 76.41 38.18
NOK 190.38 95.13
NZD 29.07 14.53
PHP 1,003.33 501.35
PLN 70.24 35.10
RON 80.57 40.26
RUB 1,897.48 948.16
SEK 187.85 93.87
SGD 22.95 11.47
THB 597.20 298.42
TRY 586.03 292.83
USD 17.05 8.52
ZAR 312.69 156.25
date 180.55 90.22
/ month
Server location:
Create your own configuration and flexibly adjust options
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Our locations
In 17 locations worldwide, we offer unique accessibility with the lowest pings. Further locations are constantly being developed and guarantee breathtaking gaming fun with the lowest latency in every game.
Frequently asked questions
Buying a ground branch server is often very expensive. In comparison, if you rent a ground branch server, you are not burdened by a one-off high payment. As a rule, you pay a low price once a month.
With us, you also have the possibility to adjust the tariff for your server, the associated mods and accordingly the **price at any time. the price at any time. So you can try out different servers and modpacks and optionally remove them remove them again without spending a large sum of money.
With 4Netplayers, this is completely up to you. Regardless of whether you choose the Starter, Professional or Premium offer, you can determine the term of your contract yourself. Starting at one month up to a term of 12 months, it’s up to you how long you want it to last. it is up to you how long you want to rent a server with us as your host. The longer the term of your contract is, the cheaper it will be, by the way, and so you will save 10% of the price for a 12-month contract compared to one month you save 10 % of the price.
Absolutely. With 4Netplayers you don’t have to worry about security and protection. For one thing, you have free to choose the duration of your contract and are not obliged to make endless monthly payments. On the other hand your server itself is safe, because we protect it with DDoS from bad traffic.
After logging in, click on “Gameserver” on the left and then on “Create configuration”. Select your desired mods, enter a password - and your server is ready to go!
Ground Branch Screenshots
Dive into the world of Ground Branch
Experience the exciting and realistic world of Ground Branch, a tactical first-person shooter that puts you in the role of an elite soldier in the CIA Special Activities Division. In this challenging game that relies on teamwork and strategy, you will have to complete dangerous missions around the globe. Face unpredictable situations and use your tactical skills to outwit your enemies and achieve your goals. With a variety of authentic weapons and equipment that you can customise to suit your needs, as well as realistic ballistics and damage models, Ground Branch will captivate you and make you want to play for hours at a stretch. Get ready to put your team spirit and tactical skills to the test!
Customise your soldier and prepare for thrilling multiplayer battles
In Ground Branch, you have the opportunity to customise your soldier according to your personal preferences. Choose from a variety of uniforms, protective gear, camouflage patterns and accessories to make your character unique. The extensive customisation options allow you to take on the role of a sniper, assault soldier, engineer or support soldier and support your team in different ways. In tense multiplayer battles, you can team up with friends or find new teammates to tackle challenging missions together and put your tactical skills to the test. Thanks to the realistic communication systems and intense atmosphere, Ground Branch will unite you and your teammates in gripping battles where cooperation and communication are essential.
Modding and community support: create your own gaming experience
Ground Branch offers extensive modding support that allows you to customise and expand your gaming experience. Discover a wealth of community-created content, including new maps, weapons, equipment and game modes that provide hours of fun and new challenges. You can also get creative and develop your own mods to give back to the community and make the game even more diverse. Ground Branch’s active and committed community ensures that the game is constantly being developed and responds to the wishes and needs of the players. Become part of this vibrant community and experience a unique tactical first-person shooter adventure you won’t soon forget!
Immersive gameplay and challenging AI opponents: face the ultimate test
Ground Branch features immersive gameplay based on realistic movement mechanics, cover systems and dynamic lighting effects. You will find yourself in lifelike environments where every detail counts and your environmental senses are challenged. Not only your human opponents, but also the challenging AI pose a serious threat. The AI enemies are clever, aggressive and adapt their behaviour to your actions, making for an unpredictable and varied gameplay experience. To succeed in Ground Branch, you must learn to use the strengths and weaknesses of your equipment, make smart decisions and rely on the skills of your teammates. Face the ultimate test and prove that you have what it takes to become an elite soldier!
Ground Branch - An unforgettable tactical first-person shooter experience
Ground Branch offers an intense and immersive gaming experience for fans of tactical first-person shooters. The combination of realistic weapon and movement mechanics, challenging AI opponents, extensive customisation options and a dedicated community make this game a must-have for anyone looking for an authentic military experience. With thrilling multiplayer battles, exciting missions and endless modding possibilities, you will spend countless hours immersed in the world of Ground Branch, always discovering new challenges and adventures. Join the fight and prove that you have what it takes to be a true elite soldier!