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Surviving Minecraft Nether: Tips and Tricks for Experienced Players

Surviving Minecraft Nether: Tips and Tricks for Experienced Players

The Nether is the hellish dimension in Minecraft that has been part of the game since its alpha version. Initially introduced as the Halloween update, it has emerged as one of the coolest places in your Minecraft world. Especially with the 1.16 update, the Nether was taken to a whole new level! You’ll encounter mostly darkness, lots of lava, and a heap of red stones. Moreover, the monsters here are significantly more frightening than those in the Overworld. Navigation is also tricky due to the rugged terrain. Let’s take a closer look at how you can prepare for your first tour of the Nether and explore like a pro.

Preparing for the Minecraft Nether

If you’re not yet familiar with Minecraft, you might be wondering how to actually get to the Nether. Mojang has now scattered several hints in the Overworld, which you’ve likely come across. Portal ruins can be found every few hundred blocks, hinting at how you can access the Nether.

Minecraft Nether Portal

You will need 10 obsidian blocks and a flint and steel. You can create obsidian by pouring flowing water over standing lava, for example, in an underground lava lake. To mine it, you’ll need at least a diamond pickaxe, and even then it takes a while. With the obsidian, you can either build your own portal or repair ruins. A 2x3 portal is the smallest variant you can build, which is why 10 blocks are sufficient.

Minecraft Nether: Essential Equipment for Safe Survival

The Nether is rightly called the hellish dimension of Minecraft. Many dangers await you here, and you should be well-prepared.

You should have:

  • at least iron armour + tools
  • at least one piece of gold armour (e.g., the helmet)
  • at least a stack of food
  • enough torches (and wood + coal)
  • 3 x 64 cobblestone
  • a bow and enough arrows
  • your flint and steel (in case your portal goes out in the Nether)
  • a door


  • Water evaporates in the Nether unless you fill it in a cauldron.
  • Never use a bed in the Nether. There is no day-night cycle here, and if you try to sleep, your bed will explode!
  • Compasses and clocks do not work.

Minecraft Nether Biomes: What Awaits You in the Most Dangerous Areas

Once you step through the portal, a new map will load. You can’t predict exactly where you’ll emerge. This adds excitement to the adventure but can also make your initial situation very complex or even dangerous. Therefore, let’s examine all the biomes so you’re well-prepared for what you might encounter.

Minecraft Nether Wasteland: Safe Start in the Hellish Dimension

Minecraft Nether Wasteland

Terrain: The Wasteland is probably one of the least harmful biomes you can land in. It is the old terrain of the Nether, consisting mostly of red netherrack. You can find quartz, gold, and glowstone here. In terms of monsters, you are relatively safe.


  • Piglin: Won’t attack you as long as you wear gold
  • Zombie Piglin: Neutral unless provoked
  • Ghast: Flying mobs that attack with fireballs. Use a bow to shoot them out of the air.

Minecraft Soul Sand Valley: Beware of Skeletons and Lava Traps

Minecraft Nether Soul Sand Valley

Terrain: The Soul Sand Valley is one of the creepiest biomes in the Nether, due to its atmosphere alone. Black soul sand is everywhere, with skeletons made of bone blocks scattered about. Add to that the large pillars of basalt and blue fire. You also move slower on the ground.


  • Ghast: Use a bow to shoot them out of the air.
  • Skeleton: The same monsters as in the Overworld.
  • Enderman: Very rare, so best not to look at them.

Minecraft Crimson Forest: Red Trees and Hidden Dangers

Minecraft Nether Crimson Forest

Terrain: At first glance, this biome looks very beautiful, but appearances can be deceiving. You will mostly find red trees, red grass, and mushrooms here. Behind the many tree trunks, dangerous monsters can hide if you’re not careful.


  • Piglin: Won’t attack you as long as you wear gold
  • Zombie Piglin: Neutral unless provoked
  • Hoglin: Large warthogs that deal significant damage. You can keep them at bay with a warped fungus.

Minecraft Warped Forest: Fewer Monsters, but Beware of Endermen

Minecraft Nether Warped Forest

Terrain: The counterpart to the Crimson Forest, this time in a bright turquoise. However, this biome is much more pleasant as there are hardly any monsters here. The colouring is also quite nice to look at! If you spawn here, not much can happen to you.


  • Enderman: Very common here, so try not to look at them.

Minecraft Basalt Deltas: Rugged Terrain and Dangerous Magma Cubes

Minecraft Nether Basalt Deltas

Terrain: The most dangerous biome is probably the Basalt Deltas. The constant Geiger counter and background noise make many players nervous. On top of that, every step could be your last. Lava traps lurk everywhere! Be extremely careful. The rugged terrain is definitely not easy to explore, so build safe paths. The monsters can also pose a problem.


  • Ghast: Shoot them down with a bow and arrow.
  • Magma Cube: Similar to Overworld slimes. They can quickly push you into the abyss.

Minecraft Nether: First Steps for Safe Survival

Once you spawn in the Nether, you should get a good overview of your surroundings. Where did you land? Are there immediate dangers nearby? Where can I find a potential shelter? Besides monsters, you should definitely look up, because when the Nether loads for the first time, lava falls might come down from above. And you certainly don’t want to be standing under them!

Minecraft Nether Portal 2

First, secure the Nether portal with cobblestone and fill any holes in the ground so you don’t accidentally fall into lava. Sometimes it can even happen that your portal appears over a lava lake. Protect yourself from flying ghasts and their fireballs too.

Once you’ve protected your portal, remember to note down the coordinates. Maps and compasses don’t work in the Nether. Then you can start your exploration tour! Keep in mind the advice we’ve given you for each biome.

Conclusion – Conclusion: Surviving in the Minecraft Nether – Become a Pro Adventurer

The Nether is a creepy yet fascinating dimension in Minecraft! There are many resources, materials, and monsters here that you won’t find in the Overworld. However, each biome presents its own challenges. Once you’ve internalised these and visited all of them, navigation should become much easier. Survive in the Nether and control your game world on a server that is entirely yours. Rent your Minecraft server now and master every challenge!

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