Raids are a unique mechanic in Minecraft that send waves of enemies your way. They occur when you enter a village under special conditions. You must protect yourself and the villagers to win the raid and obtain the items. There are some truly useful things awaiting you after a raid! So it’s worth taking advantage of this mechanic and conducting some raids. The best way to do this is with an automatic raid farm, which we will introduce to you in more detail today.
Minecraft Raids: What are they and how do they work?
In English, raids are also referred to as invasions and are a type of attack on a village by enemies. Different waves are summoned, which you must face. Your difficulty level determines how hard the raid is. On “Easy,” you only have to face three waves, on “Normal,” five, and on “Hard,” a full seven waves. A bar at the top shows you how many enemies are left.
A raid doesn’t happen randomly but is triggered by a specific effect. Only when you activate this effect in a village will a raid start. The status effect is called “Bad Omen” and can only be triggered by drinking a bad omen potion. You get this from a pillager captain (the illagers with a banner on their head) or in trial chamber vaults.
You can prepare extensively for a raid and should think carefully beforehand if you want to do it. A normal raid isn’t that easy, especially if you conduct it in a public village. Particularly at the “Hard” level, it is a real challenge.
Minecraft Raid Loot: These items are especially worthwhile!

Raids are absolutely worthwhile because you get some great items! You should definitely build a corresponding farm in your world to obtain some of the best items.
Totem of Undying: How to get it in Minecraft
Your best loot from such a farm is likely the Totem of Undying. This small item can be held in your off-hand and prevents certain death. It is used by most professional players, especially in a tricky situation or in a hardcore world. It is dropped by evokers, which you can find either in a woodland mansion or during a raid.
Emeralds are essential for trading with villagers and are thus a useful item you can obtain through raids. Both evokers and vindicators drop these. You can then use the emeralds for decoration or for trading with villagers.
Redstone, Glowstone Dust, and Gunpowder
Witches are truly underrated, as they drop a lot of items. From them, you can obtain redstone, gunpowder, spider eyes, glass bottles, glowstone dust, sugar, and rare potions. That’s quite a lot! Therefore, you should focus raids especially on witches.
Discounts on Villager Trading
A great side effect of a successful raid is the village rewards. Not only do you receive free items, but you also get discounts on your existing trades.
Building a Minecraft Raid Farm: Step-by-Step Guide
Raiding in a normal village isn’t easy and will certainly cost you a lot of time and concentration. Therefore, an automatic raid farm is your best solution. We essentially build a small village where the raid can be controlled and started. All enemies are collected and then killed by you. This makes even a “Hard” level raid much easier!
There are two places where you can best build the farm. Your first option is a relatively flat plains biome where illagers can spawn on the surface. Make sure there are no other villages or outposts nearby. Otherwise, the farm might not work. Your second option is above the ocean. For this, you’ll need to create an artificial island with dimensions of 64×64 blocks, where the farm will be built in the middle.
Required Materials
- 20 ladders
- 35 trapdoors
- Glass blocks
- 5 fire-resistant fence gates (made from Nether wood type)
- 1 bucket of lava
- 4 buckets of water
- one villager (who can take a job)
- 1 bed
- 1 workstation for the villager
- Torch
- Sword with “Looting” and “Sweeping Edge”
- Bell (optional)
- 1 hopper + double chest
- 2 slabs
Raid Farm Guide: How to build it correctly
Find a suitable spot for a 9×9 field to build the collection chamber later. But first, we’ll take care of the “village.” This will consist of just one villager in a glass dome. Build a 3x3 glass dome above the center of the field. Place a bed, a workstation (in our case a composter), and a torch inside. Lure a villager in. Let them sleep once to activate the village.

Excavate the 9×9 block field by two more blocks to create a three-block-deep trench. Surround it with 34 trapdoors so the raid enemies fall in. In the middle, we build a small lava trap for the large ravagers. Use non-flammable fence gates, place one underneath and four around a temporary block. Replace the block with lava and open all the gates. Don’t worry, the lava won’t spill out!

Dig a shaft 20 blocks deep beneath the lava trap. This will damage the illagers. Below, excavate a small chamber and build a simple collection mechanism with a hopper, a double chest, and slabs to protect yourself.

To make entry easier, build a shaft with a ladder along the chamber. Place the last trapdoor at the top. Finally, fill the corners of the trench with water.

Now you need to drink a bad omen potion to start a raid. You might need to stay on the surface for a while. Once the raid starts, you can wait in your chamber below. Use a bell to observe the incoming raid through white outlines. The enemies will fall into the hole, and you can defeat them with a swing of your sword!

Conclusion: Is a Raid Farm Worth It in Minecraft?
Raids are not only a test of your strength in Minecraft but also reward you with plenty of items! And with a raid farm, it will be much easier for you to collect these items. Rent your own Minecraft server and fight alongside friends against the monsters in a raid! Of course, a raid in a normal village is a tough challenge, but it’s much more fun with other players! Otherwise, you can recreate our trap for easy loot.