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Minecraft 1.21.5 Update: Discover the New Features!

Minecraft 1.21.5 Update: Discover the New Features!

Spring is just around the corner, not only in real life but also in Minecraft! The new update 1.21.5 has long been anticipated, but now, after a Minecraft Live presentation, it is finally playable for everyone. But what new features does it actually bring? Well, the update particularly focuses on making the world of Minecraft more vibrant and refreshing, which definitely succeeds. With new mob variations, new vegetation, and other exciting adjustments, this update brings a fresh breeze to the game and makes you eager to explore a new world.

New Mob Variations for a More Lively Overworld

New mob variations in Minecraft 1.21.5

One new feature that you will likely notice immediately in a new world is the new variations of chickens, pigs, and cows. All three mobs now have, since the update, not only their normal types but also a cold and warm type. This makes the different biomes in Minecraft stand out more visually, although mostly only visually. The functionalities remain largely the same, except for chickens, which now also lay differently coloured eggs. You can tame and breed the new colour variations just as usual; for the offspring, one of the two parents is chosen randomly, not the biome in which the baby animal is born.

Cold animals can be found in:

  • Plains
  • All variations of temperate forests
  • Swamp
  • Cherry Blossom Forest

Normal animals can be found in:

  • Savanna
  • Jungle
  • Mesa

Warm animals can be found in:

  • Taiga variations
  • Windswept biomes
Sheep with different wool colours in Minecraft

Thanks to their wool, sheep already have 16 different variants, but now their spawn rate has also been adjusted according to the biome. In cold biomes, sheep are more likely to have black wool, while in warm biomes, they now tend to have brown wool. White sheep can be found in normal biomes, and all other colours have been excluded from natural spawning. Only the pink sheep have been retained and made rarer again, as a little surprise!

Wolves have also received a small update, as they can now make six new types of sounds. This is intended to reflect the character of the wolves alongside the new fur colours. We have already written a detailed article about wolves if you want to know more about them. (Wolves and Armadillos in Minecraft: Tips for Horn Shield Farm)

Revitalising Plants: New Flora in Minecraft

New plant types in Minecraft Update 1.21.5

One of the biggest changes is the new plant types that you can find in various biomes. These not only visually enliven the world but some of them can also play sounds that enrich the environment. If you harvest them, you can even take these sounds with you and incorporate them into your base! Let’s take a closer look at the blocks available. You should have a pair of shears or a tool with “Silk Touch” on hand.

  • Dead Bush: This desert block is not new but has now gained potential sounds and can finally be harvested.
  • Leaf Piles: A decorative block found in forests or made from burned leaves.
  • Wildflowers: Yellow and blue flowers that are especially found in birch forests.
  • Firefly Bush: A bush you can find near water. It glows at night and makes soft sounds. It is probably one of the most beautiful new plants you can find!
  • Bush: A normal bush that serves as an alternative to regular grass.
  • Cactus Flower: A pink flower that now spawns with some cacti. It can also grow on self-planted cacti and be used for bee breeding and honey production.
  • Dry Grass: This grass comes in both short and tall forms. It is a type of grass block found in desert biomes. Dry grass can also play sounds when placed on certain blocks.

In larger desert or mesa biomes, sand, red sand, and terracotta now also have the ability to play ambient sounds. For this, they must be surrounded by similar blocks. During your desert expeditions, you can now hear wind noises and the rustling of sand! Additionally, leaves now drop small particles, enhancing the atmosphere in forests overall.

Improved Maps for Exploration Tours

In one of our recent articles, we explored navigation in Minecraft (Effective Navigation in Minecraft: Using Compass and Map) , and in 1.21.5, there are also some new features carried over from experimental updates. Particularly, the cartographer has gained new functions and sells a few more maps to simplify your exploration.

There are three new types of maps: a swamp map, a jungle map, and a village map. The swamp map leads you to a witch’s hut in the swamp, while the jungle map guides you to an abandoned jungle temple. The village maps are particularly exciting as they show you the way to a village in a different biome. There are maps for villages in the savanna, plains, desert, taiga, and snowy areas. Additionally, the diversity of explorer maps has been adjusted, so they do not always lead to the same place.

Important Adjustments to Known Features

New adjustments in Minecraft 1.21.5

There are also a few smaller innovations and changes that might not catch your eye at first glance but do improve the gameplay.

  • For example, some features between Java and Bedrock have been aligned, so sheep now display their actual wool colour after shearing, and fallen logs can now be found in some biomes. Both functions are now also possible in Java.
  • A more significant adjustment is the spawn eggs you find in the creative menu. These no longer just have a different colour but have been visually matched to their respective mobs.
  • Camels now spawn not only in desert villages but also in the desert itself.
  • The wandering trader now has more items available and offers different sales. This is particularly beneficial for people undertaking various challenges.
  • The recipe for the lodestone has been adjusted, so you now need iron instead of netherite.
  • The size of the biome “Pale Garden” has been improved, giving you more opportunities to explore this spooky area.
  • You can fly directly into ladders, vines, or scaffolding with an Elytra, and your flight will be interrupted. This allows for easier manoeuvring.


We’ve focused only on the most important new things, but there’s much more to discover! The update is surprisingly packed with exciting changes designed to make Minecraft significantly more atmospheric. It’s particularly fun to explore the new 1.21.5 update with friends and discover all its facets together. Rent your own Minecraft server and set off in search of the new plants or the variations of familiar animals. You’re sure to experience a surprise or two!

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