Creepers are arguably the most iconic monsters in Minecraft, and their face is unmistakable. They silently sneak up behind you and explode, leaving you defenseless. Due to their explosive nature, they contain gunpowder, making them a great mob to farm. However, you probably don’t want to hunt them down at night, which can be dangerous and time-consuming. That’s why we’re introducing you to a cool Creeper Farm today that operates automatically and can be used AFK. In the end, you’ll have plenty of gunpowder!
Minecraft Creeper Farm: How Automatic Gunpowder Production Works
A Creeper Farm should be present in almost every Minecraft world, as sooner or later, you’ll need a lot of gunpowder. You can use it for TNT or craft rockets for your Elytra. Additionally, gunpowder is used in brewing splash potions, making it a valuable resource that should be in your storage.
Creepers, however, are not as easy to spawn as zombies or skeletons since there are no spawners or dungeons for them. We have to rely on natural Creepers. In a previous article, we built a monster trap (Build a Minecraft Monster Trap: Automatically Gain Endless Resources) that you can use for gunpowder. However, it spawns other monsters as well.
There are also designs that focus solely on Creepers. We take advantage of the Creeper’s dimensions and set up a farm that only they can spawn in due to their size. Additionally, we use the Creeper’s natural enemy: the cat! Together, they create a smooth-running farm perfect for AFK (“away from keyboard”) use for a few hours.
Creeper Farm Construction Guide: Step-by-Step for Unlimited Gunpowder
There are many different Creeper Farm designs that work on various versions and platforms. The version we will build today only works in the Java Edition. This is because Creeper spawning in Bedrock is different, making these farms more complicated. Moreover, there is no design that works equally well on both platforms.
Minecraft Creeper Farm Materials: What You Need for Your Automatic Gunpowder Farm
- several stacks of building blocks
- several stacks of slabs
- several stacks of trapdoors
- water bucket
- 14 carpets
- 2 cats
- 2 hoppers
- 2 chests
Building a Creeper Farm in Minecraft: Step-by-Step Guide for Maximum Efficiency
The Best Location for Maximum Spawner Efficiency
First, find a suitable location for your farm. Building over open water is ideal, as it prevents other monsters from spawning and filling the cap. If you build the farm on land, be at least 128 blocks above the ground or light up all caves and fields within that radius. This is taxing, making open water your best bet.
Collection Basin
In this farm, the Creepers are killed by a campfire, not by you. Build a water trench 8 blocks long and at least 3 blocks above the water surface. Creepers will fall over the edge and land on the campfires. Below, place the hoppers and chest to automatically collect the gunpowder.

Surround the campfire with building blocks and create a 2-block high tunnel. This requires a few blocks but ensures the Creepers are collected without issue.
Spawn Platform
Next comes the critical part. Above the water trench, build a 3-block high wall with dimensions 2 by 3 upwards. Creepers will fall down later.

This is also the base of your platform. It measures 13x16 blocks, shaped like an hourglass. Use our image for precise measurements. Build a 2-block high wall around the outer edge, extending to the water trench in the hourglass’s middle. The wall should not be higher.

Optimal Setup for Maximum Efficiency
Now for the finishing touches. First, attach trapdoors in the middle of the 2x3 hole and open them. Like other farms, this tricks Creepers into thinking they can walk over the trapdoors, causing them to fall and get grilled by the campfires.

Next, secure the farm floor against spiders. Use seven carpets on each side, laid out in the pattern shown below to prevent spiders from spawning.

The most important part is next. As mentioned in the materials, you need two tamed cats. Cats scare Creepers, causing them to automatically flee to the farm’s center. Find cats in villages and tame them with raw fish. They will follow you, even over water. Place the cats at the end of each platform on the carpets and sit them down.

Roof and Spawn Safety
To prevent other monsters from spawning, fill the roof with trapdoors. Attach them along the 2-block high wall, ensuring the space is less than 2 blocks high. This stops all other mobs from spawning, except for the Creepers, who are small enough. Placing the trapdoors can be tricky, use Shift and proceed slowly.

Then secure the Creeper Farm’s roof and parts of the collection basin with slabs to prevent other monsters from spawning.
Achieving Maximum Spawn Rate
Monsters spawn within a 128-block radius of the player. To maximize the farm’s output, stay far above it. Use bamboo scaffolding to build 120 blocks up from the farm’s roof. Use the F3 menu to check the Y-coordinate.

Wait at the top, letting the game run while you do other things. If you wait longer than 3 in-game days, have a bed or build a small shelter to protect against phantoms. Gradually, gunpowder will accumulate in your chest below! We had a stack of gunpowder after just twenty minutes!
Conclusion: Why a Creeper Farm is Essential for Gunpowder in Minecraft
Building a Creeper Farm is a fantastic and straightforward way to obtain gunpowder. You don’t have to defeat the Creepers yourself, but with this farm, you can create massive amounts of TNT and rockets for your world. Build unlimited gunpowder supplies on your own server and maintain control over your explosive power. Rent your Minecraft server and start collecting!
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