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Build a Minecraft Monster Trap: Automatically Gain Endless Resources

Build a Minecraft Monster Trap: Automatically Gain Endless Resources

Minecraft is a game with endless possibilities. However, for many things, you need to gather resources, which isn’t always easy. Therefore, many players focus on obtaining these resources more easily. Today, we’re going to look at one of the simplest monster traps in the game. With this, you no longer have to hunt and search for skeletons or zombies yourself; instead, you can collect and then kill them easily. This allows you to gain not only valuable items but also experience points. The design is straightforward and has remained essentially unchanged. Therefore, it will work in future versions as well. We’ll show you how it’s done!

Why You Need an Automatic Monster Trap in Minecraft: Benefits and Advantages

Monster traps are one of the oldest automatic machines in Minecraft that work without Redstone. They collect the spawns of mobs and ensure that they fall into the abyss thanks to their natural pathfinding. You stand ready below to easily defeat them and collect the items. But which monsters drop which items?

  • Creeper
    • Gunpowder
  • Skeletons
    • Arrows
    • Bows
  • Zombies
    • Rotten Flesh
    • Carrot
    • Potato
    • Iron Ingot
  • Witches
    • Sticks
    • Spider Eyes
    • Glowstone Dust
    • Gunpowder
    • Redstone (always)
    • Sugar
    • Glass Bottle

Additionally, you also gain valuable experience points, which fill up your bar. However, you only get these if you kill the monsters yourself. That’s why we’re building the monster trap!

These Minecraft Monsters Won’t Work in Your Monster Trap

You may have noticed that some monsters are missing from this list. And there’s a reason for that. Of course, we also want to explain why spiders and Enderman are not included.

  • Spiders: Spiders spawn in a 3x3 block area (Bedrock only 2x2). They like to climb, which causes the monster trap to not work correctly.
  • Enderman: Enderman only spawn at a height of at least three blocks. Unfortunately, they have the habit of picking up blocks, which isn’t good for a self-built monster trap.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Build an Automatic Monster Trap in Minecraft

Now let’s take a closer look at how you can build one of these automatic monster traps. The design has hardly changed since the beginnings of Minecraft, so it should work in every version. This makes it convenient and practical! You can also expand the trap, which we’ll discuss at the end.

List of Materials

This is what you should have in your inventory:

  • several stacks of building material (we used cobblestone)
  • several stacks of slabs
  • around 100 ladders
  • 64 trapdoors
  • 4 hoppers
  • 2 chests
  • water bucket
  • 36 carpet

Building Instructions

Find a Suitable Location

While you can build a monster trap anywhere, it will be less effective. You need to be far enough from places where monsters can spawn. The ocean is best, and then another 100 blocks above sea level (Y=163). This keeps you far enough from land and underground caves. The ladders are useful, just build a tall tower over the sea and a small 4x8 platform at the top.

Minecraft Automatic Monster Trap Location

Building the Drop Tower and Catch Basin for Your Monster Trap

Next, you need to build a kind of tower that monsters can fall down and take enough fall damage so that you can easily kill them. Build a 2x2 tower upwards – 22 blocks high.

Minecraft Automatic Monster Trap Basin

At the bottom, build a catch basin. Place the chest at the front and then four hoppers leading into the chest. Place some slabs above them so the items can still be collected. Build it all up so that only a small slit remains for attacking.

Minecraft Automatic Monster Trap Chest

Build the Spawn Platform for Your Automatic Monster Trap

Now it’s time to build the spawn platforms. At the top, lay the water channels that will carry the monsters downwards. These look like a plus and are 8 blocks long, just as far as water normally flows. These 2x8 channels are then surrounded by a 2-block high wall.

Minecraft Automatic Monster Trap Canals

Then simply fill in the form so that a level area is created at the four corners. Build another long wall around it with a height of 2 blocks. Remember, this prevents Enderman from spawning. On the platforms themselves, place the carpet every 3 blocks to prevent spiders from spawning. Attach the trapdoors last, along the water channels. These make the monsters think they can walk across the water, causing them to fall into the water and be carried downwards.

Minecraft Automatic Monster Trap Trapdoors

Secure the Roof

Finally, a roof must be built. First, use full blocks and then another layer of slabs. These prevent monsters from spawning on top of the trap. You can also secure the roof with torches if you prefer.

Enjoy Mob Items!

Now the monster trap is ready! Stand in front of the chest and wait a few minutes for the monsters to gather on the platform above. Soon, Creepers, Zombies, Skeletons, and Witches will rain down! Thanks to the fall damage, you can kill them with a swing of your sword or even just your fist. You gain experience and the items land in the chest.

Minecraft Automatic Monster Trap Monsters

Expand Your Monster Trap for Even More Resources

The really great thing about this design is that you can expand it to two or three more levels as you wish. More levels are usually not worth it, as the limit for monsters is eventually reached. The additional levels should also keep the channels for the water clear, so all monsters fall to the lowest level first. Still, continue using 2-block thick platforms and trapdoors.

Minecraft Automatic Monster Trap Final Build

Conclusion: Why an Automatic Monster Trap in Minecraft is Essential

If you need simple mob items like gunpowder or bones, then an automatic monster trap is the best design! It is very easy to build and a really good investment of your own resources for any beginner. The monster trap has been an important part of every base since the Alpha and ensures that you can collect endless monster items. Unfortunately, the trap doesn’t work for spiders or Enderman, but we might present some traps suitable for them later. Gather endless resources on your own server without interruptions. Rent your Minecraft server and build the ultimate monster trap for you and your friends!

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