Clay is one of the many natural resources you have likely come across during your time in Minecraft. The blue-grey block is hard to miss and is one of the most unique blocks you can use for your projects. There are several uses for it, each offering different options to enhance your structures. With one of the latest updates, it’s even possible to produce clay automatically! So, you no longer need to search for it; instead, you can sit back and harvest your clay as needed.
Minecraft Clay: The Perfect Resource for Building Projects and Decoration

Clay is often overlooked, yet it is one of the oldest blocks you can find in Minecraft. Naturally, small clusters can be found on beaches, in swamps, or other water locations. In fact, naturally occurring clay is rarer than diamonds underground! However, you can also find it in lush caves or in mason houses in villages.

Nowadays, there’s also a method to produce clay yourself, which we will explore further with our automatic farm! First, let’s look at what you can use clay for.
Minecraft Clay Balls: Crafting and Decorative Uses

When you mine found or self-generated clay with a shovel, the block drops four clay balls. These can be reformed into a clay block. But don’t be too hasty, as the balls themselves can be fired in a furnace and used for cool recipes! This creates bricks, which you can use for several other crafting blocks. They are primarily intended as decorative elements.
- Brick Blocks: With a familiar pattern, perfect for roofs! They can also be crafted into stairs, slabs, and walls.
- Flower Pot: Perfect as decoration for your house. You can plant any flower, saplings, and even mushrooms in a flower pot.
- Decorated Pot: The large pots are also a decorative block and should be used in combination with pottery shards from suspicious gravel or suspicious sand. So, get your brush and start searching for them!
Minecraft Ceramics and Terracotta: Easily Create Colourful Building Blocks

If you instead mine the clay with the “Silk Touch” enchantment or recombine four clay balls, you can also process this block in a furnace. The result is ceramics (also known as terracotta), another wonderful building block for your projects.
In fact, you can also find ceramics in your world, particularly in the mesas. There, you can find both neutral and dyed terracotta. But you can also fire it yourself and dye it in any of the 16 Minecraft colours. A flower farm (Minecraft Flower Farm Guide: How to Build an Automatic Flower Farm for Dyes and Bees) is a great addition to have all colours available. You also need ceramics for copying smithing templates.
Ceramics are a kind of natural counterpart to concrete, as the colours are much darker and less saturated than those of concrete blocks. They are often forgotten by Minecraft players, but their dark hues might perfectly fit one of your ideas! Therefore, use ceramics more in your world, ideally with an automatic production method.

If you’re looking for vibrant colours and patterns, fire a dyed ceramic block once more. The result is a range of 16 different glazed ceramic blocks that couldn’t be more colourful! Some fun patterns are hidden within.
Building an Automatic Clay Farm: Step-by-Step Guide
To produce clay automatically, we need to work with mud. With the introduction of dripstones, mud can be converted into clay. The good news is that you don’t have to manually search for mud in the mangrove forest; you can also produce it yourself. When you click on a normal dirt block with a water bottle, it transforms into mud. We will automate this function in combination with dripstones that dry the mud into clay.
As mentioned earlier, you’ll need to mine the clay yourself with a shovel. Use “Silk Touch” to directly obtain full clay blocks, and use a regular shovel to get clay balls. You can expand the farm as much as you like, as long as you have enough resources (mainly iron for hoppers).
Material List for the Automatic Clay Farm
- Building blocks
- 10 hoppers
- 5 dispensers
- 1 button
- 5 redstone dust
- 2 levers
- 2 powered rails
- 5 rails
- Hopper minecart
- 2 hoppers + double chest
- 5 pointed dripstone
- Dirt
Step-by-Step Guide: Building an Automatic Clay Farm
- First, place a row of 5 hoppers (or the number of your choice) facing downwards into the ground. These will collect the empty glass bottles, and you need to fill them with empty bottles. Above them, place a row of dispensers facing forward. In front of the hoppers, build a row of regular building blocks, and behind the dispensers, place a line of redstone dust.

- Next, we need a system to fill the dispensers with water bottles. For this, we need a row of hoppers facing into the dispensers. At the ends, build an excess block and a stopper with your building block. Place powered rails on the ends. Over the hoppers in the middle, place regular rails. On the outer blocks, attach a lever and activate them. Place a minecart with a hopper on top.

- At one end, you need to automatically fill the cart. A simple hopper over the powered rail and a double chest, which you repeatedly fill with water bottles, is sufficient. The cart distributes these automatically to all dispensers.

- Now, you need to attach a row of dripstones under the lower building blocks to dry the mud.

- To make the farm work, place a row of dirt in front of the dispensers. Activate the dispensers with a button on the side, and the dirt will turn into mud. Wait a few minutes, and the mud will turn into clay. You can then mine it with your shovel of choice!

Conclusion: Endless Clay for Your Minecraft Building Projects
Clay is underestimated by many Minecraft players, yet the block is very versatile. From it, you can produce bricks and flower pots, and dive into the colourful world of ceramics and terracotta! With the introduction of mud and dripstones, clay can now be produced renewably. Create stunning structures with endless supplies of clay and bricks on your own server. Rent your Minecraft server and let your creativity run wild!
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